Acetate Asset Revisions

Use versioned assets with Acetate for cache-busting.
npm install acetate-asset-revisions --save-dev
var assetRevisions = require('acetate-asset-revisions')
module.exports = function(acetate){
manifest: 'build/assets.json'
The manifest
option should be the path to a JSON file that maps orginal source names to versioned assets. Most build systems have a way to accomplish this including gulp-rev, grunt-filerev and hashmark for command-line users.
You will then have access to serveral helpers to use in your templates:
{% css 'path/to/css.css'%}
{% js 'path/to/js.js'%}
{% img 'path/to/img.jpg' 'alt text'%}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
{% css "css/style.css" %}
{% js "js/main.js" %}
You can pass any additional HTML attributes you want as options.
{% css "css/style.css", media="print" %}
- for standard string attributes use a key/value pair{% js "js/main.js", async=true %}
- for boolean attributes pass true
as a value
Complete Examples
YOu can look at how to integrate Acetate and asset versioing into a complete build system in these samples:
This project makes several assumptions about your project structure. Your manifest file must be a simple JSON file that maps original filenames to their versioned file names.
"css/style.css": "css/style-098f6bcd.css",
"js/main.js": "js/main-273c2cin.js"
The path to this manifest file is assumed to be relative to your Acetate build folder.
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