
Age of empires 2 scenario de/compress module for node and browser

Set of tools and utilities to work with .scx
The main reason, why was this project created, is lack of functionality, which AoE2 in-game editor
offers. You can't access scenario programmatically via some API. Also, scripts
(triggers) in AoE2 are pretty useless, because you have to handle a thousands of
them when you're creating a big scenario with RPG element. But after some
time, triggers become more-like spaghetti code. That means you're not sure, which trigger is
not needed, you have to click through all of them to find out. AgeScxJS doesn't solve this
problem, but you can use Javascript to create your own script language. You can
also generate scenarios programmatically (mazes, convert bitmap images,
random, etc...). With AgeScxJS you can build your own web application for
editing/converting or viewing scenarios. There's no restrictions what you can
do with those tools.
AgeScx comes with set of different tools:
- IO read / write scenarios
- Checker check for errors/warning in scenario
- Diff differences between two scenarios
- Converter convert scenario to
, .xml
or .yaml
- Paint paint your minimap
- Data useful data
- Stats scenario stats in human-readable format
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { readScenario } from 'agescx';
const file = readFileSync('../scenarios/1.21/aok/Castaway.scx');
const scenario = readScenario(file);
Agescx has also several scenarios created in different Age of Empires 2
versions to test them. If you're curious in them or you want to test agescx
functionality, go to Scenario Section
License (MIT)