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API Manager plugin

  • 1.3.3
  • latest
  • Source
  • npm
  • Socket score

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API Manager plugin

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$ npm install -g @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin
$ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin COMMAND
running command...
$ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin (--version|-v)
@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin/0.4.0 darwin-x64 node-v16.14.2
$ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin --help [COMMAND]
  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin COMMAND

Local development

You can run the commands directly from your copy without installing it.

First of all install dependencies:

npm ci

Then you need to build the plugin from the sources:

npm run dev
# or npm run build

Please note that you will need to re-build to see your changes working.

Now you can run your commands calling:

# node bin/run command --parameters
# example
node bin/run api-mgr:api:list --username 'username' --password 'password' --environment 'Sandbox'  --host

Please note that --host is only mandatory if you want to hit other environments that are not PROD US.

You can improve the experience export some env vars to not provide the same parameters in each command

export ANYPOINT_ENV='Sandbox'
export ANYPOINT_USERNAME='username'
export ANYPOINT_PASSWORD='password'
node bin/run api-mgr:api:list

For each command you can export other env vars, check Commands section to see each one.

Please note that in current state of the development running the tests with envar ANYPOINT_HOST will cause a lot of fails, it seems the nocks are based on the default uri and the tests are using the env var causing calls to a different URIs.

Re-build on run

There is a npm command that allow us to re-build the code each time we want to run a command, it's the current easiest way of be sure that the running code is the latest.You can run your commands calling:

# npm run buildAndRun -- <command> -- extraParameters
# example:
npm run buildAndRun -- api-mgr:api:list --host

Please note that to make it work you need to add -- before the command you want to run.

Enable debug with source maps

The default configuration of tsconfig.json and tsconfig.lib.json doesn't create the source maps to debug typescript files.

In order to enable sourcemaps you need to add the "sourceMap": true property to both files.


  "compilerOptions": {
    "declaration": true,
      "importHelpers": true,
      "module": "commonjs",
      "outDir": "lib",
      "rootDir": "src",
      "strict": true,
      "target": "es2019",
      "useUnknownInCatchVariables": false,
      "skipLibCheck": true,
      "sourceMap": true
  "include": [


Please be sure that ANYPOINT_HOST is not set. You can run unset ANYPOINT_HOST to clean that env var. Then you can use the command npm run test to run all the tests.

Testing with .only

The command npm run test run all the tests, and will fail if there is a .only in one of your test files. It will also run a linter.

If you want a fast feedback about your changes you can use the command npm run localTest it allows .only on your test files and won't run the linter.


@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:abstract-api-mgr-command

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:abstract-api-mgr-command [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id
    <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>]
    [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>]

  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/abstract-api-mgr-command.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:alert:add APIINSTANCEID NAME

Create API instance alert

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:alert:add [APIINSTANCEID] [NAME] --severity Info|Warning|Critical
    --type request-count|response-code|policy-violation|response-time --operator gt|lt|eq --threshold <value> --periods
    <value> --duration <value> --durationUnit days|hours|minutes [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id
    <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>]
    [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h] [--enabled] [--recipient <value>] [--email <value>]
    [--responseTime <value>] [--responseCode <value>] [--policyId <value>]

  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --duration=<value>            (required) Condition occurrence period duration
  --durationUnit=<option>       (required) Condition occurrence period duration unit
                                <options: days|hours|minutes>
  --email=<value>...            Email to send alert notification to. Can be used multiple times to specify multiple
  --enabled                     Whether alert should be enabled
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --operator=<option>           (required) Condition operator explaining values relation to threshold
                                <options: gt|lt|eq>
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --periods=<value>             (required) Number of consecutive periods condition should occur for
  --policyId=<value>            ID of a policy applied to API instance to trigger "policy-violation" alert type
  --recipient=<value>...        Username to send alert notification to. Can be used multiple times to specify multiple
  --responseCode=<value>...     Response codes to trigger "response-code" alert type. Can be used multiple times to
                                specify multiple codes
  --responseTime=<value>        Response time to trigger "response-time" alert type
  --severity=<option>           (required) Alert severity
                                <options: Info|Warning|Critical>
  --threshold=<value>           (required) Condition occurrences threshold number
  --type=<option>               (required) Alert type/condition
                                <options: request-count|response-code|policy-violation|response-time>
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Create API instance alert

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/alert/add.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:alert:list APIINSTANCEID

List alerts for an API instance

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:alert:list [APIINSTANCEID] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
    --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
    <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [--limit <value>] [--offset <value>] [--sort <value>] [-h]

  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --limit=<value>               [default: 10] Number of results to retrieve
  --offset=<value>              Offset
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --sort=<value>                [default: id] Field to sort results
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  List alerts for an API instance

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/alert/list.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:autodiscovery APIINSTANCEID GATEWAYVERSION

Show details of an API autodiscovery

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:autodiscovery [APIINSTANCEID] [GATEWAYVERSION] [--password <value>
    [--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization
    <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h]

  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Show details of an API autodiscovery

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/api/autodiscovery.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:change-specification APIINSTANCEID ASSETVERSION

Change asset version for an API instance by choosing a new version from Exchange

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:change-specification [APIINSTANCEID] [ASSETVERSION] [--password <value>
    [--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization
    <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h]

  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Change asset version for an API instance by choosing a new version from Exchange

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/api/change-specification.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:classify DESTENVNAME APIINSTANCEID

Classify an API instance in a given environment

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:classify [DESTENVNAME] [APIINSTANCEID] [--password <value>
    [--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization
    <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h]

  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Classify an API instance in a given environment

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/api/classify.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:delete APIINSTANCEID

Deletes an API

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:delete [APIINSTANCEID] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
    --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
    <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h]

  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Deletes an API

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/api/delete.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:deploy APIINSTANCEID

Deploy an API to Cloudhub, Hybrid server or Runtime Fabric

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:deploy [APIINSTANCEID] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
    --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
    <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [--target <value>] [--applicationName <value>]
    [--environmentName <value>] [--gatewayVersion <value>] [--overwrite] [--javaVersion <value>] [--releaseChannel

  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --applicationName=<value>     Application name
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.
  --environmentName=<value>     Target environment name. Must be provided to deploy APIs from unclassified environments.
  --gatewayVersion=<value>      Cloudhub Gateway version  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --javaVersion=<value>         Gateway java version
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --overwrite                   Update application if exists
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --releaseChannel=<value>      Gateway release channel
  --target=<value>              Hybrid or RTF deployment target ID
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Deploy an API to Cloudhub, Hybrid server or Runtime Fabric

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/api/deploy.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:deprecate APIINSTANCEID

Deprecate an API instance

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:deprecate [APIINSTANCEID] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
    --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
    <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h]

  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Deprecate an API instance

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/api/deprecate.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:describe APIINSTANCEID

Show details of an API

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:describe [APIINSTANCEID] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
    --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
    <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h]

  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Show details of an API

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/api/describe.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:download-proxy APIINSTANCEID TARGETPATH

Download API proxy zip file to a local directory

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:download-proxy [APIINSTANCEID] [TARGETPATH] [--password <value>
    [--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization
    <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h] [--gatewayVersion <value>]

  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.
  --gatewayVersion=<value>      Gateway Version. Defaults to the latest version.  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Download API proxy zip file to a local directory

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/api/download-proxy.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:edit APIINSTANCEID

Edit an API instance

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:edit [APIINSTANCEID] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
    --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
    <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-p] [-r] [-m] [--deploymentType
    cloudhub|cloudhub2|hybrid|rtf] [--uri <value>] [--scheme http|https] [--port <value>] [--path <value>] [--providerId
    <value>] [--responseTimeout <value>] [--apiInstanceLabel <value>] [--serviceName <value>] [--serviceNamespace
    <value>] [--servicePort <value>] [--endpointUri <value>] [--type http|raml|wsdl] [-f] [--inboundSecretGroupId
    <value> --inboundTlsContextId <value>] [--outboundSecretGroupId <value> --outboundTlsContextId <value>] [--routing
    <value>] [--updateApisInSamePort]

  -f, --isFlex                     Indicates whether you are managing this API in FlexGateway.
  -m, --muleVersion4OrAbove        Indicates whether you are managing this API in Mule 4 or above.
  -o, --output=<value>             [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  -p, --withProxy                  Indicates whether the endpoint should use a proxy.
  -r, --referencesUserDomain       Indicates whether a proxy should reference a user domain
  --apiInstanceLabel=<value>       API instance label. Optional. String.
  --bearer=<value>                 Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>              Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>          Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment
  --collectMetrics                 collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --deploymentType=<option>        Deployment type. Supported Values: cloudhub, cloudhub2, hybrid, rtf
                                   <options: cloudhub|cloudhub2|hybrid|rtf>
  --endpointUri=<value>            Consumer endpoint URL
  --environment=<value>            Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.     [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                   environment variable.
  --inboundSecretGroupId=<value>   Secret Group ID for inbound TLS Context
  --inboundTlsContextId=<value>    Inbound TLS Context ID
  --organization=<value>           Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --outboundSecretGroupId=<value>  Secret Group ID for outbound TLS Context
  --outboundTlsContextId=<value>   Outbound TLS Context ID
  --password=<value>               Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --path=<value>                   Proxy path
  --port=<value>                   Proxy port
  --providerId=<value>             Client Identity Provider Id in which the API will be associated with. Optional.
  --responseTimeout=<value>        Response timeout
  --routing=<value>                API instance routes array. E.g. [{"label": "Rule 1", "rules": {"path": "/path"},
                                   "upstreams": [{"id": "upstream-id", "weight": 100}]}]
  --scheme=<option>                Proxy scheme. Supported Values: http, https
                                   <options: http|https>
  --serviceName=<value>            WSDL service name
  --serviceNamespace=<value>       WSDL service namespace
  --servicePort=<value>            WSDL service port
  --type=<option>                  Endpoint type. Supported Values: http, raml, wsdl
                                   <options: http|raml|wsdl>
  --updateApisInSamePort           If the TLS context does not match that of the other APIS deployed on the same port,
                                   it forces the TLS context switch on all other APIs.
  --uri=<value>                    Implementation URI
  --username=<value>               Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Edit an API instance

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/api/edit.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:list

Lists all APIs in API Manager

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:list [--password <value> [--username <value> | --client_id
    <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>]
    [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [--limit <value>] [--offset <value>] [--sort <value>] [-h]
    [--assetId <value>] [--apiVersion <value>] [--instanceLabel <value>]

  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --apiVersion=<value>          API version to filter results by
  --assetId=<value>             Asset ID to filter results by
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --instanceLabel=<value>       API instance label to filter results by
  --limit=<value>               [default: 10] Number of results to retrieve
  --offset=<value>              Offset
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --sort=<value>                How to sort the results
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Lists all APIs in API Manager

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/api/list.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:manage ASSETID ASSETVERSION

Manage a new API or API version or new instance with an asset from exchange

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:manage [ASSETID] [ASSETVERSION] [--password <value> [--username
    <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization <value>]
    [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-p] [-r] [-m] [--deploymentType
    cloudhub|cloudhub2|hybrid|rtf] [--uri <value>] [--scheme http|https] [--port <value>] [--path <value>] [--providerId
    <value>] [--responseTimeout <value>] [--apiInstanceLabel <value>] [--serviceName <value>] [--serviceNamespace
    <value>] [--servicePort <value>] [--endpointUri <value>] [--type http|raml|wsdl] [-f] [--inboundSecretGroupId
    <value> --inboundTlsContextId <value>] [--outboundSecretGroupId <value> --outboundTlsContextId <value>] [--routing

  -f, --isFlex                     Indicates whether you are managing this API in FlexGateway.
  -m, --muleVersion4OrAbove        Indicates whether you are managing this API in Mule 4 or above.
  -o, --output=<value>             [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  -p, --withProxy                  Indicates whether the endpoint should use a proxy.
  -r, --referencesUserDomain       Indicates whether a proxy should reference a user domain
  --apiInstanceLabel=<value>       API instance label. Optional. String.
  --bearer=<value>                 Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>              Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>          Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment
  --collectMetrics                 collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --deploymentType=<option>        Deployment type. Supported Values: cloudhub, cloudhub2, hybrid, rtf
                                   <options: cloudhub|cloudhub2|hybrid|rtf>
  --endpointUri=<value>            Consumer endpoint URL
  --environment=<value>            Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.     [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                   environment variable.
  --inboundSecretGroupId=<value>   Secret Group ID for inbound TLS Context
  --inboundTlsContextId=<value>    Inbound TLS Context ID
  --organization=<value>           Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --outboundSecretGroupId=<value>  Secret Group ID for outbound TLS Context
  --outboundTlsContextId=<value>   Outbound TLS Context ID
  --password=<value>               Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --path=<value>                   Proxy path
  --port=<value>                   Proxy port
  --providerId=<value>             Client Identity Provider Id in which the API will be associated with. Optional.
  --responseTimeout=<value>        Response timeout
  --routing=<value>                API instance routes array. E.g. [{"label": "Rule 1", "rules": {"path": "/path"},
                                   "upstreams": [{"id": "upstream-id", "weight": 100}]}]
  --scheme=<option>                Proxy scheme. Supported Values: http, https
                                   <options: http|https>
  --serviceName=<value>            WSDL service name
  --serviceNamespace=<value>       WSDL service namespace
  --servicePort=<value>            WSDL service port
  --type=<option>                  Endpoint type. Supported Values: http, raml, wsdl
                                   <options: http|raml|wsdl>
  --uri=<value>                    Implementation URI
  --username=<value>               Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Manage a new API or API version or new instance with an asset from exchange

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/api/manage.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:promote APIINSTANCEID SOURCEENVID

Promote an API instance from source environment

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:promote [APIINSTANCEID] [SOURCEENVID] [--password <value>
    [--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization
    <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h] [-a true|false] [-p
    true|false] [-t true|false] [--providerId <value>]

  -a, --copyAlerts=<option>     [default: true] Indicates whether to copy alerts. Accepted Values: true, false. Defaults
                                to true
                                <options: true|false>
  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  -p, --copyPolicies=<option>   [default: true] Indicates whether to copy policies. Accepted Values: true, false.
                                Defaults to true
                                <options: true|false>
  -t, --copyTiers=<option>      [default: true] Indicates whether to copy tiers. Accepted Values: true, false. Defaults
                                to true
                                <options: true|false>
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --providerId=<value>          Client Identity Provider Id in which the promoted API will be associated with
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Promote an API instance from source environment

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/api/promote.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:redeploy APIINSTANCEID

Deploy an API to Cloudhub, Hybrid server or Runtime Fabric

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:redeploy [APIINSTANCEID] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
    --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
    <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [--target <value>] [--applicationName <value>]
    [--environmentName <value>] [--gatewayVersion <value>] [--overwrite] [--javaVersion <value>] [--releaseChannel

  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --applicationName=<value>     Application name
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.
  --environmentName=<value>     Target environment name. Must be provided to deploy APIs from unclassified environments.
  --gatewayVersion=<value>      Cloudhub Gateway version  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --javaVersion=<value>         Gateway java version
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --overwrite                   Update application if exists
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --releaseChannel=<value>      Gateway release channel
  --target=<value>              Hybrid or RTF deployment target ID
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Deploy an API to Cloudhub, Hybrid server or Runtime Fabric

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/api/redeploy.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:undeprecate APIINSTANCEID

Undeprecate an API instance

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:api:undeprecate [APIINSTANCEID] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
    --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
    <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h]

  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Undeprecate an API instance

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/api/undeprecate.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:contract:delete APIINSTANCEID CLIENTID

Delete a given API contract

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:contract:delete [APIINSTANCEID] [CLIENTID] [--password <value> [--username
    <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization <value>]
    [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h]

  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Delete a given API contract

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/contract/delete.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:contract:list APIINSTANCEID [SEARCHTEXT]

Lists all contracts to a given API instanceLists environments

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:contract:list [APIINSTANCEID] [SEARCHTEXT] [--password <value>
    [--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization
    <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [--limit <value>] [--offset
    <value>] [--sort <value>] [-h]

  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --limit=<value>               [default: 10] Number of results to retrieve
  --offset=<value>              Offset
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --sort=<value>                [default: id] Field to sort results
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Lists all contracts to a given API instanceLists environments

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/contract/list.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:policy:apply APIINSTANCEID POLICYID

Apply a policy to a given API instance. Examples:

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:policy:apply [APIINSTANCEID] [POLICYID] [--password <value> [--username
    <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization <value>]
    [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [--policyVersion <value>] [--groupId
    <value>] [-c <value>] [--configFile <value>] [--pointcut <value>] [--upstreamId <value>] [-h]

  -c, --config=<value>          Configuration data as JSON string. E.g `api-mgr policy apply (...) -c '{"property":
  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --configFile=<value>          Configuration data as JSON file. E.g `api-mgr policy apply (...) --configFile
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.
  --groupId=<value>             Mule4 or Flex policy group ID. Defaults to MuleSoft group ID when not provided  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --pointcut=<value>            Pointcut data as JSON string. E.g. `api-mgr policy apply (...) -p
  --policyVersion=<value>       Mule4 or Flex policy version
  --upstreamId=<value>          Upstream ID to apply an outbound policy to. E.g. `api-mgr policy apply (...) -u 123456
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Apply a policy to a given API instance. Examples:
  Mule 3: api-mgr policy apply 123 client-id-enforcement
  The policyId corresponds to Id in the response of api-mgr policy list.
  Mule 4 and Flex: api-mgr policy apply 123 client-id-enforcement --policyVersion 1.0.0
  The policyId, policyVersion correspond to Asset ID and Version in the response of api-mgr policy list -m

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/policy/apply.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:policy:describe POLICYID

Show the description and available configuration properties of a given policy template. Examples:

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:policy:describe [POLICYID] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
    --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
    <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [--policyVersion <value>] [--groupId <value>] [-h]

  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.
  --groupId=<value>             Mule4 or Flex policy group ID. Defaults to MuleSoft group ID when not provided  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --policyVersion=<value>       Mule4 or Flex policy version
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Show the description and available configuration properties of a given policy template. Examples:
  Mule 3: api-mgr policy describe client-id-enforcement
  The policyId corresponds to Id in the response of api-mgr policy list.
  Mule 4 and Flex: api-mgr policy describe client-id-enforcement --policyVersion 1.0.0
  The policyId, policyVersion correspond to Asset ID and Version in the response of api-mgr policy list -m

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/policy/describe.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:policy:disable APIINSTANCEID POLICYID

Disable a policy from a given API instance

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:policy:disable [APIINSTANCEID] [POLICYID] [--password <value> [--username
    <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization <value>]
    [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h]

  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Disable a policy from a given API instance

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/policy/disable.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:policy:edit APIINSTANCEID POLICYID

Edit the policy configuration of a given API instance

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:policy:edit [APIINSTANCEID] [POLICYID] [--password <value> [--username
    <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization <value>]
    [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-c <value>] [--configFile <value>] [-p
    <value>] [-h]

  -c, --config=<value>          Configuration data as JSON string. Completely overrides current configuration data. E.g.
                                `api-mgr policy edit (...) -c '{"property": "value"}'`
  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  -p, --pointcut=<value>        Pointcut data as JSON string. Completely overrides current Pointcut data. E.g. `api-mgr
                                policy edit (...) -p '[{"methodRegex":"GET|PUT","uriTemplateRegex":"/users*"}]'`
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --configFile=<value>          Configuration data as JSON file. E.g `api-mgr policy edit (...) --configFile
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Edit the policy configuration of a given API instance

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/policy/edit.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:policy:enable APIINSTANCEID POLICYID

Enable a policy from a given API instance

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:policy:enable [APIINSTANCEID] [POLICYID] [--password <value> [--username
    <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization <value>]
    [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h]

  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Enable a policy from a given API instance

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/policy/enable.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:policy:list [APIINSTANCEID]

List policies. When [apiInstanceId] param is specified, policies applied to that API instance are listed. All available policies are listed otherwise

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:policy:list [APIINSTANCEID] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
    --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
    <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-m] [-h]

  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -m, --muleVersion4OrAbove     Whether to list Mule 4+ and Flex policies
  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  List policies. When [apiInstanceId] param is specified, policies applied to that API instance are listed. All
  available policies are listed otherwise

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/policy/list.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:policy:remove APIINSTANCEID POLICYID

Remove a policy from a given API instance

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:policy:remove [APIINSTANCEID] [POLICYID] [--password <value> [--username
    <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization <value>]
    [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h]

  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Remove a policy from a given API instance

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/policy/remove.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:tier:add APIINSTANCEID

Create SLA tier.

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:tier:add [APIINSTANCEID] --name <value> [--password <value>
    [--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization
    <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h] [--description <value>] [-l
    <value>] [-a]

  -a, --autoApprove
      Indicates whether tier should be auto-approved.

  -h, --help
      Show CLI help.

  -l, --limit=<value>
      Single instance of a tier limit in the form "--limit A,B,C" whereby:
      "A" is a boolean indicating whether or not this limit should be visible;
      "B" is a number of requests per "C" time period.
      Time period options are: ms(millisecond), sec(second),  min(minute), hr(hour), d(day), wk(week), mo(month) or
      E.g. "--limit true,100,min" is a "visible" limit of 100 requests per minute.
      To create multiple limits, you can provide multiple "--limit" options.
      E.g. "-l true,100,sec -l false,20,min"

  -o, --output=<value>
      [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and json

      Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.

      Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.

      Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.

      collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.

      Tier description

      Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.
      [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST environment variable.

      (required) Tier name

      Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.

      Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.

      Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Create SLA tier.

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/tier/add.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:tier:copy SOURCEAPIINSTANCEID TARGETAPIINSTANCEID

Copy SLA tiers from source to target API Instance.

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:tier:copy [SOURCEAPIINSTANCEID] [TARGETAPIINSTANCEID] [--password
    <value> [--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ]
    [--organization <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h]

  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Copy SLA tiers from source to target API Instance.

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/tier/copy.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:tier:delete APIINSTANCEID TIERID

Delete SLA tier from an API instance.

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:tier:delete [APIINSTANCEID] [TIERID] [--password <value> [--username
    <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization <value>]
    [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h]

  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Delete SLA tier from an API instance.

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/tier/delete.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:tier:list APIINSTANCEID [SEARCHTEXT]

Lists API instance SLA tiers

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:tier:list [APIINSTANCEID] [SEARCHTEXT] [--password <value>
    [--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization
    <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [--limit <value>] [--offset
    <value>] [--sort <value>] [-h]

  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --limit=<value>               [default: 10] Number of results to retrieve
  --offset=<value>              Offset
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --sort=<value>                [default: id] Field to sort results
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Lists API instance SLA tiers

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/tier/list.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:upstream:add APIINSTANCEID URI

Create an API instance upstream.

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:upstream:add [APIINSTANCEID] [URI] [--password <value> [--username
    <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization <value>]
    [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h] [--label <value>] [--tlsContextId
    <value>] [--tlsContextSecretGroupId <value>]

  -h, --help                         Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>               [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default)
                                     and json
  --bearer=<value>                   Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>                Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>            Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment
  --collectMetrics                   collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>              Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.       [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                     environment variable.
  --label=<value>                    Sets a label for the upstream
  --organization=<value>             Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>                 Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --tlsContextId=<value>             TLS Context ID to set to the upstream
  --tlsContextSecretGroupId=<value>  ID of the the Secret Group of the TLS Context specified in --tlsContextId
  --username=<value>                 Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Create an API instance upstream.

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/upstream/add.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:upstream:delete APIINSTANCEID UPSTREAMID

Delete upstream from an API instance.

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:upstream:delete [APIINSTANCEID] [UPSTREAMID] [--password <value>
    [--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization
    <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h]

  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Delete upstream from an API instance.

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/upstream/delete.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:upstream:edit APIINSTANCEID UPSTREAMID

Edit an API instance upstream.

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:upstream:edit [APIINSTANCEID] [UPSTREAMID] [--password <value>
    [--username <value> | --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization
    <value>] [--environment <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h] [--uri <value>] [--label
    <value>] [--tlsContextId <value>] [--tlsContextSecretGroupId <value>]

  -h, --help                         Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>               [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default)
                                     and json
  --bearer=<value>                   Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>                Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>            Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment
  --collectMetrics                   collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>              Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.       [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                     environment variable.
  --label=<value>                    Sets a label for the upstream
  --organization=<value>             Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>                 Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --tlsContextId=<value>             TLS Context ID to set to the upstream, or 'null' to delete the TLS Context.
  --tlsContextSecretGroupId=<value>  ID of the the Secret Group of the TLS Context specified in --tlsContextId
  --uri=<value>                      Upstream uri
  --username=<value>                 Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Edit an API instance upstream.

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/upstream/edit.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:upstream:list APIINSTANCEID

Lists API instance upstreams

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin api-mgr:upstream:list [APIINSTANCEID] [--password <value> [--username <value> |
    --client_id <value> | ]] [--client_secret <value> ] [--bearer <value> |  | ] [--organization <value>] [--environment
    <value>] [--host <value>] [--collectMetrics] [-o <value>] [-h]

  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -o, --output=<value>          [default: table] Format for commands output. Supported values are table (default) and
  --bearer=<value>              Token Bearer. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_BEARER environment variable.
  --client_id=<value>           Client ID. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_ID environment variable.
  --client_secret=<value>       Client Secret. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.
  --collectMetrics              collect metrics. You can define this in the COLLECT_METRICS environment variable.
  --environment=<value>         Environment Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ENV environment variable.  [default:] Host URL. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_HOST
                                environment variable.
  --organization=<value>        Organization Name. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_ORG environment variable.
  --password=<value>            Password. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_PASSWORD environment variable.
  --username=<value>            Username. You can define this in the ANYPOINT_USERNAME environment variable.

  Lists API instance upstreams

See code: src/commands/api-mgr/upstream/list.ts

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin conf [KEY] [VALUE]

Manage authentication credentials in a configuration file (config.json)

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin conf [KEY] [VALUE] [-h] [-k <value>] [-v <value>] [-d]

  KEY    key of the config
  VALUE  value of the config

  -d, --delete         delete config key
  -h, --help           Show CLI help.
  -k, --key=<value>    key of the config
  -v, --value=<value>  value of the config

  Manage authentication credentials in a configuration file (config.json)
  by adding and removing key value pairs. Set one key value pair per command execution.
  CLI config file: ~/Library/Preferences/oclif-nodejs/config.json

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin conf username myuser

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin conf password mypwd

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin help [COMMAND]

Display help for @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin.

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin help [COMMAND] [-n]

  COMMAND  Command to show help for.

  -n, --nested-commands  Include all nested commands in the output.

  Display help for @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin.

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

@mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin version

  $ @mulesoft/anypoint-cli-api-mgr-plugin version

See code: @oclif/plugin-version



Package last updated on 20 Feb 2025

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