Highlight the apollo graphql deprecated fields.
We know that even you mark a field in apollo-server as @deprecated
the client-side won't be able to know it until execute introspection queries. This package is for showing the deprecations in the response so that the engineers can know which fields are deprecated when they are developing.
NOTE: This package is only for apollo 3. If you are using apollo 4 please use apollo-deprecated-highlight
How to use
import { ApolloDeprecatedHighlight } from 'apollo-deprecated-highlight';
// add ApolloDeprecatedHighlight() as plugin
const server = new ApolloServer({
plugins: [ApolloDeprecatedHighlight()],
Then it will add deprecations
to extensions
of graphql respons. The response format will be
"data": {...},
"extensions": {
"deprecations": [
"data": {...},
"field": "timerange",
"reason": "timerange is retired. Please use timerangeInSecond"
"field": "height",
"reason": "height is retired. Please use heightInCM"