A minified, unbuilt version of the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript AMD modules.
If you are starting a new project, we recommend using @arcgis/core ES modules.
You can install these modules with npm and create your own custom builds, for example you can use RequireJS or the Dojo Toolkit.
Additional instructions and examples are available in the SDK's Build with AMD modules Guide page.
npm install arcgis-js-api
TypeScript Typings
The TypeScript type definitions are included with the install and there are two ways to include them. The first way is to include a ///
directive in your main TypeScript file:
Or, add a reference to the declaration file in the include
of your tsconfig.json
"include": ["node_modules/arcgis-js-api/index.d.ts", "src/**/*.ts", "src/**/*.tsx"]
Use of the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript is subject to System Requirements, and the terms described in the product-specific Terms of Use. Learn more about licensing here.
COPYRIGHT © 2023 Esri
All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States
and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions.
This material is licensed for use under the Esri Master License
Agreement (MLA), and is bound by the terms of that agreement.
You may redistribute and use this code without modification,
provided you adhere to the terms of the MLA and include this
copyright notice.
For additional information, contact:
Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
Attn: Contracts and Legal Services Department
380 New York Street
Redlands, California, USA 92373