Armstrong React - Rocketmakers React component library.
A library of components for React/SCSS interface development.
The Rokot platform components heavily rely on usage of the typings utility for typescript definitions management.
If you don't have typings
npm i typings -g
Getting Started
WARNING!: This library assumes you're using React and SASS.
Install via npm
npm i armstrong-react --save
You will need to install these ambient dependencies:
NOTE: you may already have some of these ambient dependencies installed!
typings install react underscore classnames node -SA
Importing the SCSS
To make use of the default styles, you'll need to import a single SCSS entry point from the module into your root stylesheet. The simplest way of achieving this is to use webpack's sass-loader plugin and add the following line to your root SCSS file:
@import "~armstrong-react/dist/style";
NOTE: If you're not using webpack, you can use an absolute or relative path through your node_modules folder.
Example: Adding a simple Armstrong Button (TypeScript/JSX):
import * as React from 'react';
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Button } from "armstrong-react";
export class MyComponent extends React.Component<{}, {}> {
private buttonClicked(e) {
public render() {
return (
<h1>Below is a button!</h1>
<Button text="Armstrong lives!" condition="info" onClick={ this.buttonClicked } />
Workbench folder?
Don't worry about this ;)
Consumed Libraries