The buildbot also publishes nightly versions once a day if there have been changes. The latest nightly can be installed through
none: Type
The none type, e.g., void
i32: Type
32-bit integer type.
i64: Type
64-bit integer type.
f32: Type
32-bit float type.
f64: Type
64-bit float (double) type.
v128: Type
128-bit vector type. π¦
funcref: Type
A function reference. π¦
externref: Type
An external (host) reference. π¦
anyref: Type
Any (top type) reference. π¦
eqref: Type
Equal reference. π¦
i31ref: Type
i31 reference. π¦
dataref: Type
Data reference. π¦
stringref: Type
String reference. π¦
stringview_wtf8: Type
View of a string reference in WTF-8 encoding. π¦
stringview_wtf16: Type
View of a string reference in WTF-16 encoding. π¦
stringview_iter: Type
Iterator over the code points of a string reference. π¦
unreachable: Type
Special type indicating unreachable code when obtaining information about an expression.
auto: Type
Special type used in Module#block exclusively. Lets the API figure out a block's result type automatically.
createType(types: Type[]
): Type
Creates a multi-value type from an array of types.
expandType(type: Type
): Type[]
Expands a multi-value type to an array of types.
Module#addFunction(name: string
, params: Type
, results: Type
, vars: Type[]
, body: ExpressionRef
): FunctionRef
Adds a function. vars
indicate additional locals, in the given order.
Module#getFunction(name: string
): FunctionRef
Gets a function, by name,
Module#removeFunction(name: string
): void
Removes a function, by name.
Module#getNumFunctions(): number
Gets the number of functions within the module.
Module#getFunctionByIndex(index: number
): FunctionRef
Gets the function at the specified index.
Module#addFunctionImport(internalName: string
, externalModuleName: string
, externalBaseName: string
, params: Type
, results: Type
): void
Adds a function import.
Module#addTableImport(internalName: string
, externalModuleName: string
, externalBaseName: string
): void
Adds a table import. There's just one table for now, using name "0"
Module#addMemoryImport(internalName: string
, externalModuleName: string
, externalBaseName: string
): void
Adds a memory import. There's just one memory for now, using name "0"
Module#addGlobalImport(internalName: string
, externalModuleName: string
, externalBaseName: string
, globalType: Type
): void
Adds a global variable import. Imported globals must be immutable.
Module#addFunctionExport(internalName: string
, externalName: string
): ExportRef
Adds a function export.
Module#addTableExport(internalName: string
, externalName: string
): ExportRef
Adds a table export. There's just one table for now, using name "0"
Module#addMemoryExport(internalName: string
, externalName: string
): ExportRef
Adds a memory export. There's just one memory for now, using name "0"
Module#addGlobalExport(internalName: string
, externalName: string
): ExportRef
Adds a global variable export. Exported globals must be immutable.
Module#getNumExports(): number
Gets the number of exports witin the module.
Module#getExportByIndex(index: number
): ExportRef
Gets the export at the specified index.
Module#removeExport(externalName: string
): void
Removes an export, by external name.
Module#addGlobal(name: string
, type: Type
, mutable: number
, value: ExpressionRef
): GlobalRef
Adds a global instance variable.
Module#getGlobal(name: string
): GlobalRef
Gets a global, by name,
Module#removeGlobal(name: string
): void
Removes a global, by name.
Module#setFunctionTable(initial: number
, maximum: number
, funcs: string[]
, offset?: ExpressionRef
): void
Sets the contents of the function table. There's just one table for now, using name "0"
Module#getFunctionTable(): { imported: boolean, segments: TableElement[] }
Gets the contents of the function table.
- TableElement#offset:
- TableElement#names:
Module#setMemory(initial: number
, maximum: number
, exportName: string | null
, segments: MemorySegment[]
, shared?: boolean
): void
Sets the memory. There's just one memory for now, using name "0"
. Providing exportName
also creates a memory export.
- MemorySegment#offset:
- MemorySegment#data:
- MemorySegment#passive:
Module#getNumMemorySegments(): number
Gets the number of memory segments within the module.
Module#getMemorySegmentInfoByIndex(index: number
): MemorySegmentInfo
Gets information about the memory segment at the specified index.
- MemorySegmentInfo#offset:
- MemorySegmentInfo#data:
- MemorySegmentInfo#passive:
Module#setStart(start: FunctionRef
): void
Sets the start function.
Module#getFeatures(): Features
Gets the WebAssembly features enabled for this module.
Note that the return value may be a bitmask indicating multiple features. Possible feature flags are:
- Features.MVP:
- Features.Atomics:
- Features.BulkMemory:
- Features.MutableGlobals:
- Features.NontrappingFPToInt:
- Features.SignExt:
- Features.SIMD128:
- Features.ExceptionHandling:
- Features.TailCall:
- Features.ReferenceTypes:
- Features.Multivalue:
- Features.All:
Module#setFeatures(features: Features
): void
Sets the WebAssembly features enabled for this module.
Module#addCustomSection(name: string
, contents: Uint8Array
): void
Adds a custom section to the binary.
Module#autoDrop(): void
Enables automatic insertion of drop
operations where needed. Lets you not worry about dropping when creating your code.
getFunctionInfo(ftype: FunctionRef
: FunctionInfo
Obtains information about a function.
- FunctionInfo#name:
- FunctionInfo#module:
string | null
(if imported) - FunctionInfo#base:
string | null
(if imported) - FunctionInfo#params:
- FunctionInfo#results:
- FunctionInfo#vars:
- FunctionInfo#body:
getGlobalInfo(global: GlobalRef
): GlobalInfo
Obtains information about a global.
- GlobalInfo#name:
- GlobalInfo#module:
string | null
(if imported) - GlobalInfo#base:
string | null
(if imported) - GlobalInfo#type:
- GlobalInfo#mutable:
- GlobalInfo#init:
getTableInfo(table: TableRef
): TableInfo
Obtains information about a table.
- TableInfo#name:
- TableInfo#module:
string | null
(if imported) - TableInfo#base:
string | null
(if imported) - TableInfo#initial:
; - TableInfo#max?:
getExportInfo(export_: ExportRef
): ExportInfo
Obtains information about an export.
- ExportInfo#kind:
- ExportInfo#name:
- ExportInfo#value:
Possible ExternalKind
values are:
- ExternalFunction:
- ExternalTable:
- ExternalMemory:
- ExternalGlobal:
- ExternalTag:
getTagInfo(tag: TagRef
): TagInfo
Obtains information about a tag.
- TagInfo#name:
- TagInfo#module:
string | null
(if imported) - TagInfo#base:
string | null
(if imported) - TagInfo#params:
- TagInfo#results:
getSideEffects(expr: ExpressionRef
, features: FeatureFlags
): SideEffects
Gets the side effects of the specified expression.
- SideEffects.None:
- SideEffects.Branches:
- SideEffects.Calls:
- SideEffects.ReadsLocal:
- SideEffects.WritesLocal:
- SideEffects.ReadsGlobal:
- SideEffects.WritesGlobal:
- SideEffects.ReadsMemory:
- SideEffects.WritesMemory:
- SideEffects.ReadsTable:
- SideEffects.WritesTable:
- SideEffects.ImplicitTrap:
- SideEffects.IsAtomic:
- SideEffects.Throws:
- SideEffects.DanglingPop:
- SideEffects.TrapsNeverHappen:
- SideEffects.Any:
Module#optimize(): void
Optimizes the module using the default optimization passes.
Module#optimizeFunction(func: FunctionRef | string
): void
Optimizes a single function using the default optimization passes.
Module#runPasses(passes: string[]
): void
Runs the specified passes on the module.
Module#runPassesOnFunction(func: FunctionRef | string
, passes: string[]
): void
Runs the specified passes on a single function.
getOptimizeLevel(): number
Gets the currently set optimize level. 0
, 1
, 2
correspond to -O0
, -O1
, -O2
(default), etc.
setOptimizeLevel(level: number
): void
Sets the optimization level to use. 0
, 1
, 2
correspond to -O0
, -O1
, -O2
(default), etc.
getShrinkLevel(): number
Gets the currently set shrink level. 0
, 1
, 2
correspond to -O0
, -Os
(default), -Oz
setShrinkLevel(level: number
): void
Sets the shrink level to use. 0
, 1
, 2
correspond to -O0
, -Os
(default), -Oz
getDebugInfo(): boolean
Gets whether generating debug information is currently enabled or not.
setDebugInfo(on: boolean
): void
Enables or disables debug information in emitted binaries.
getLowMemoryUnused(): boolean
Gets whether the low 1K of memory can be considered unused when optimizing.
setLowMemoryUnused(on: boolean
): void
Enables or disables whether the low 1K of memory can be considered unused when optimizing.
getPassArgument(key: string
): string | null
Gets the value of the specified arbitrary pass argument.
setPassArgument(key: string
, value: string | null
): void
Sets the value of the specified arbitrary pass argument. Removes the respective argument if value
is null
clearPassArguments(): void
Clears all arbitrary pass arguments.
getAlwaysInlineMaxSize(): number
Gets the function size at which we always inline.
setAlwaysInlineMaxSize(size: number
): void
Sets the function size at which we always inline.
getFlexibleInlineMaxSize(): number
Gets the function size which we inline when functions are lightweight.
setFlexibleInlineMaxSize(size: number
): void
Sets the function size which we inline when functions are lightweight.
getOneCallerInlineMaxSize(): number
Gets the function size which we inline when there is only one caller.
setOneCallerInlineMaxSize(size: number
): void
Sets the function size which we inline when there is only one caller.
Module#block(label: string | null
, children: ExpressionRef[]
, resultType?: Type
): ExpressionRef
Creates a block. resultType
defaults to none
Module#if(condition: ExpressionRef
, ifTrue: ExpressionRef
, ifFalse?: ExpressionRef
): ExpressionRef
Creates an if or if/else combination.
Module#loop(label: string | null
, body: ExpressionRef
): ExpressionRef
Creates a loop.
Module#br(label: string
, condition?: ExpressionRef
, value?: ExpressionRef
): ExpressionRef
Creates a branch (br) to a label.
Module#switch(labels: string[]
, defaultLabel: string
, condition: ExpressionRef
, value?: ExpressionRef
): ExpressionRef
Creates a switch (br_table).
Module#nop(): ExpressionRef
Creates a no-operation (nop) instruction.
Module#return(value?: ExpressionRef
): ExpressionRef
Creates a return.
Module#unreachable(): ExpressionRef
Creates an unreachable instruction that will always trap.
Module#drop(value: ExpressionRef
): ExpressionRef
Creates a drop of a value.
Module#select(condition: ExpressionRef
, ifTrue: ExpressionRef
, ifFalse: ExpressionRef
, type?: Type
): ExpressionRef
Creates a select of one of two values.
Note that these are pseudo instructions enabling Binaryen to reason about multiple values on the stack.
new Relooper()
Constructs a relooper instance. This lets you provide an arbitrary CFG, and the relooper will structure it for WebAssembly.
Relooper#addBlock(code: ExpressionRef
): RelooperBlockRef
Adds a new block to the CFG, containing the provided code as its body.
Relooper#addBranch(from: RelooperBlockRef
, to: RelooperBlockRef
, condition: ExpressionRef
, code: ExpressionRef
): void
Adds a branch from a block to another block, with a condition (or nothing, if this is the default branch to take from the origin - each block must have one such branch), and optional code to execute on the branch (useful for phis).
Relooper#addBlockWithSwitch(code: ExpressionRef
, condition: ExpressionRef
): RelooperBlockRef
Adds a new block, which ends with a switch/br_table, with provided code and condition (that determines where we go in the switch).
Relooper#addBranchForSwitch(from: RelooperBlockRef
, to: RelooperBlockRef
, indexes: number[]
, code: ExpressionRef
): void
Adds a branch from a block ending in a switch, to another block, using an array of indexes that determine where to go, and optional code to execute on the branch.
Relooper#renderAndDispose(entry: RelooperBlockRef
, labelHelper: number
, module: Module
): ExpressionRef
Renders and cleans up the Relooper instance. Call this after you have created all the blocks and branches, giving it the entry block (where control flow begins), a label helper variable (an index of a local we can use, necessary for irreducible control flow), and the module. This returns an expression - normal WebAssembly code - that you can use normally anywhere.