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Bouillon is a persistant storage option that lets you manage your data as an object and encrypts and stores it in a directory of your choosing. You can work with a local copy of your data and save/read the stored version at any time.
Bouillon saves your data atomically so that you always have a good version of your data even if something went wrong while saving and it has support for auto-saving if you're confident about your changes to your local object and don't want to worry about saving.
Bouillon has only one dependency and that is NPM's write-file-atomic
which is used to save the data atomically.
Bouillon prefers the latest version of node but it will work with node v7.6.0 or higher for ES2015 and async function support.
$ npm install --save bouillon
Basic Example
To start using Bouillon, simply start by requiring the module, setting your desired options, and creating a new instance of the class.
const Bouillon = require("bouillon");
let options = {
name: "my-cool-node-app",
encryptionKey: "PfHJgpKNEKawuTHDCRmdTZKMyfvSZGnf",
let bouillon = new Bouillon(options);
From there you're free to modify the local object and save it.
bouillon.set("", "Iron Man");
.then((data) => {
Check out the full documentation to learn about all the features and how to use them correctly.
Click here to view the full Bouillon documentation.
Running Tests
To run the currently available Bouillon tests, simply use the command below.
$ npm test