Command line tool that helps you sync your style assets on with your working environment.
npm install --global brandai-cli
$ brandai --help
$ brandai <json|images|icons> --org <organization> --l <library> --k <share key>
$ brandai <json|images|icons> --org <organization> --l <library> --k <share key> --dest <destination folder>
$ brandai <json|images|icons>
$ brandai <json|images|icons> --dest <destination folder>
brandai json --org acme-demo-new --l style
brandai icons --organization acme-demo-new --library style --dest temp/
brandai images (style data settings should be configured in brandai-config.json file)
brandai json --dest source/_data (style data settings should be configured in brandai-config.json file)
-d, --dest Where to place the downloaded files, default is current directory
-org, --organization Organization name (replace any space with a dash "-")
-l, --library Design library name (replace any space with a dash "-")
-k, --key share key (if your design library is private)
Connecting to your design library
As you see from the examples above, you can provide your design library information either by setting it in brandai-config.json or as one
of the flags on the command itself.
Note: If the design library is private, you will need to provide a share key that can be found in the Share menu on
Data types:
- json - will download your design library information and create style-data.json file in the defined directory.
For example, here is the style-data.json that is created for this design library.
- icons - will download and extract your design library icons.
- images - will download and extract your design library images.