Similar to broccoli-caching-writer
but allows to specify files that need to be cached with glob patterns.
npm install broccoli-glob-caching-writer
var CachingWriter = require('broccoli-glob-caching-writer')
var MyWriter = function(inputTrees, options) {
CachingWriter.apply(this, arguments)
MyWriter.prototype = Object.create(CachingWriter.prototype)
MyWriter.prototype.updateCache = function(srcDirs, destDir) {
var tree = new MyWriter('inputTree', {
files: ['**/*.js']
###CachingWriter(inputTrees, [options])
Type: Tree|array.<Tree>
Single tree or an array of trees.
If an array of trees was specified, an array of source paths will be provided
to updateCache
Type: object
Object with options.
Type: array.<string>
List of glob patterns to specify files that need to be cached.
Patterns that begin with !
will exclude files.
Patterns are processed in order, so inclusion and exclusion order is significant.
###CachingWriter.prototype.updateCache(srcDirs, destDir)
This method creates build results, it must be implemented in inherited class.
It is called only when files in input tree are changed.
If you want to perform async operations, return a promise from this method.
Type: string|array.<string>
Path or list of paths of source dirs.
Type: string
Path of directory for result files.
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