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A Bun HTTP & WebSocket server that is a little ray of sunshine.

  • 2.0.0
  • Source
  • npm
  • Socket score

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A Bun HTTP & WebSocket server that is a little ray of sunshine.

Bunshine Logo

NPM Link Language Test Coverage: 92% Gzipped Size Dependency details Tree shakeable ISC License


bun add bunshine

Or to run Bunshine on Node, install Nodeshine.


  1. Use bare Request and Response objects
  2. Support for routing WebSocket requests
  3. Support for Server Sent Events
  4. Support ranged file downloads (e.g. for video streaming)
  5. Be very lightweight
  6. Treat every handler like middleware
  7. Support async handlers
  8. Provide common middleware out of the box
  9. Built-in gzip compression
  10. Make specifically for Bun
  11. Comprehensive unit tests
  12. Support for X-HTTP-Method-Override header

Table of Contents

  1. Basic example
  2. Full example
  3. Serving static files
  4. Writing middleware
  5. Throwing responses
  6. WebSockets
  7. WebSocket pub-sub
  8. Server Sent Events
  9. Route Matching
  10. Included middleware
  11. TypeScript pro-tips
  12. Roadmap
  13. License


Basic example

import { HttpRouter } from 'bunshine';

const app = new HttpRouter();

app.get('/', c => {
  return new Response('Hello at ' + c.url.pathname);

app.listen({ port: 3100 });

Full example

import { HttpRouter, redirect } from 'bunshine';

const app = new HttpRouter();

app.patch('/users/:id', async c => {
  await authorize(c.request.headers.get('Authorization'));
  const data = await c.request.json();
  const result = await updateUser(, data);
  if (result === 'not found') {
    return c.json({ error: 'User not found' }, { status: 404 });
  } else if (result === 'error') {
    return c.json({ error: 'Error updating user' }, { status: 500 });
  } else {
    return c.json({ error: false });

app.on404(c => {
  // called when no handlers match the requested path
  return c.text('Page Not found', { status: 404 });

app.on500(c => {
  // called when a handler throws an error
  console.error('500', c.error);
  return c.json({ error: 'Internal server error' }, { status: 500 });

app.listen({ port: 3100 });

function authorize(authHeader: string) {
  if (!authHeader) {
    throw redirect('/login');
  } else if (!jwtVerify(authHeader)) {
    throw redirect('/not-allowed');

What is c here?

c is a Context object that contains the request and params.

import { HttpRouter, type Context, type NextFunction } from 'bunshine';

const app = new HttpRouter();

app.get('/hello', (c: Context, next: NextFunction) => {
  // Properties of the Context object
  c.request; // The raw request object
  c.url; // The URL object
  c.params; // The request params from route placeholders
  c.server; // The Bun server instance (useful for pub-sub); // The HttpRouter instance
  c.locals; // A place to persist data between handlers for the duration of the request
  c.error; // An error object available to handlers registered with app.on500()
  c.ip; // The IP address of the client (not necessarily the end user); // The date of the request; // The result of at the start of the request

  // Convenience methods for creating Response objects with various content types
  // Note that responses are automatically gzipped if the client accepts gzip
  c.json(data, init);
  c.text(text, init);
  c.js(jsText, init);
  c.xml(xmlText, init);
  c.html(htmlText, init);
  c.css(cssText, init);
  c.file(path, init);

  // Create a redirect Response
  c.redirect(url, status);

Serving static files

Serving static files is easy with the serveFiles middleware. Note that ranged requests are supported, so you can use this for video streaming or partial downloads.

import { HttpRouter, serveFiles } from 'bunshine';

const app = new HttpRouter();

app.get('/public/*', serveFiles(`${import.meta.dir}/public`));

app.listen({ port: 3100 });

See the serveFiles section for more info.

Also note you can serve files with bunshine anywhere with bunx bunshine serve. It currently uses the default serveFiles() options.

Writing middleware

Here are more examples of attaching middleware.

import { HttpRouter } from 'bunshine';

const app = new HttpRouter();

// Run before each request
app.use(c => {
  if (!isAllowed(c.request.headers.get('Authorization'))) {
    // redirect instead of running other middleware or handlers
    return c.redirect('/login', { status: 403 });
  // continue to other handlers

// Run after each request
app.use(async (c, next) => {
  // wait for response from other handlers
  const resp = await next();
  // peek at status and log if 403
  if (resp.status === 403) {
  // return the response from the other handlers
  return resp;

// Run before AND after each request
app.use(async (c, next) => {
  const resp = await next();
  return resp;

// Middleware at a certain path
app.get('/admin', c => {
  if (!isAdmin(c.request.headers.get('Authorization'))) {
    return c.redirect('/login', { status: 403 });

// Middleware before a given handler (as array)
app.get('/users/:id', [
  paramValidationMiddleware({ id: zod.number() }),
  async c => {
    const user = await getUser(;
    return c.json(user);

// Middleware before a given handler (as args)
app.get('/users/:id', paramValidationMiddleware, async c => {
  const user = await getUser(;
  return c.json(user);

// handler affected by applicable middleware
app.get('/', c => c.text('Hello World!'));

app.listen({ port: 3100 });

Note that because every handler is treated like middleware, you must register handlers in order of desired specificity. For example:

// This order matters
app.get('/users/me', handler1);
app.get('/users/:id', handler2);
app.get('*', http404Handler);

What does it mean that "every handler is treated like middleware"?

If a handler does not return a Response object or return a promise that does not resolve to a Response object, then the next matching handler will be called. Consider the following:

import { HttpRouter, type Context, type NextFunction } from 'bunshine';

const app = new HttpRouter();

// ❌ Incorrect asynchronous handler
app.get('/hello', (c: Context, next: NextFunction) => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    next(new Response('Hello World!'));
  }, 1000);

// ✅ Correct asynchronous handler
app.get('/hello', async (c: Context) => {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      resolve(new Response('Hello World!'));
    }, 1000);

It also means that the next() function is async. Consider the following:

import { HttpRouter, type Context, type NextFunction } from 'bunshine';

const app = new HttpRouter();

// ❌ Incorrect use of next
app.get('/hello', (c: Context, next: NextFunction) => {
  const resp = next();

// ✅ Correct use of next
app.get('/hello', async (c: Context, next: NextFunction) => {
  // wait for other handlers to return a response
  const resp = await next();
  // do stuff with response

And finally, it means that .use() is just a convenience function for registering middleware. Consider the following:

import { HttpRouter } from 'bunshine';

const app = new HttpRouter();

// The following 2 are the same
app.all('*', middlewareHandler);

This all-handlers-are-middleware behavior complements the way that handlers and middleware can be registered. Consider the following:

import { HttpRouter } from 'bunshine';

const app = new HttpRouter();

// middleware can be inserted with parameters
app.get('/admin', getAuthMiddleware('admin'), middleware2, handler);

// Bunshine accepts any number of middleware functions in parameters or arrays
// so the following are equivalent
app.get('/posts', middleware1, middleware2, handler);
app.get('/users', [middleware1, middleware2, handler]);
app.get('/visitors', [[middleware1, [middleware2, handler]]]);

Throwing responses

You can throw a Response object from anywhere in your code to send a response. Here is an example:

import { HttpRouter } from 'bunshine';

const app = new HttpRouter();

async function checkPermission(request: Request, action: string) {
  const authHeader = request.headers.get('Authorization');
  if (!(await hasPermission(authHeader, action))) {
    throw c.redirect('/home');
  } else if (hasTooManyRequests(authHeader)) {
    throw c.json({ error: 'Too many requests' }, { status: 429 });
}'/posts', async c => {
  await checkPermissions(c.request, 'create-post');
  // code here will only run if checkPermission hasn't thrown a Response

// start the server
app.listen({ port: 3100 });


Setting up websockets at various paths is easy with the socket property.

import { HttpRouter } from 'bunshine';

const app = new HttpRouter();

// regular routes
app.get('/', c => c.text('Hello World!'));

// WebSocket routes
type ParamsShape = { room: string };
type DataShape = { user: User };<ParmasShape, DataShape>('/games/rooms/:room', {
  // Optional. Allows you to specify arbitrary data to attach to
  upgrade: sc => {
    const cookies = sc.request.headers.get('cookie');
    const user = getUserFromCookies(cookies);
    return { user };
  // Optional. Allows you to deal with errors thrown by handlers.
  error: (sc, error) => {
    console.log('WebSocket error', error.message);
  // Optional. Called when the client connects
  open(sc) {
    const room =;
    const user =;
    markUserEntrance(room, user);
  // Optional. Called when the client sends a message
  message(sc, message) {
    const room =;
    const user =;
    const result = saveMove(room, user, message.json());
    // send accepts strings, Buffers, ArrayBuffers
    // and anything else will be serialized to JSON
  // Optional. Called when the client disconnects
  // List of codes and messages:
  close(sc, code, message) {
    const room =;
    const user =;
    markUserExit(room, user);

// start the server
app.listen({ port: 3100 });

// Browser side:
const gameRoom = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:3100/games/rooms/1?user=42');
gameRoom.onmessage = e => {
  // receiving messages
  const data = JSON.parse(;
  if (data.type === 'GameState') {
  } else if (data.type === 'GameMove') {
gameRoom.onerror = handleGameError;
// send message to server
gameRoom.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'GameMove', move: 'rock' }));

WebSocket pub-sub

And WebSockets make it super easy to create a pub-sub system with no external dependencies.

import { HttpRouter } from 'bunshine';

const app = new HttpRouter();

app.get('/', c => c.text('Hello World!'));

type ParamsShape = { room: string };
type DataShape = { username: string };<ParamsShape, DataShape>('/chat/:room', {
  upgrade: c => {
    const cookies = c.request.headers.get('cookie');
    const username = getUsernameFromCookies(cookies);
    return { username };
  open(sc) {
    const msg = `${} has entered the chat`;
    sc.publish(`chat-room-${}`, msg);
  message(sc, message) {
    // the server re-broadcasts incoming messages
    // to each connection's message handler
    const fullMessage = `${}: ${message}`;
    sc.publish(`chat-room-${}`, fullMessage);
  close(sc, code, message) {
    const msg = `${} has left the chat`;
    ws.publish(`chat-room-${}`, msg);

const server = app.listen({ port: 3100 });

// at a later time, you can also publish a message from another source
server.publish(channel, message);

Server-Sent Events

Server-Sent Events (SSE) are similar to WebSockets, but one way. The server can send messages, but the client cannot. This is useful for streaming data to the browser.

import { HttpRouter } from 'bunshine';

const app = new HttpRouter();

app.get<{ symbol: string }>('/stock/:symbol', c => {
  const symbol = c.params.symbol;
  return c.sse(send => {
    setInterval(async () => {
      const data = await getPriceData(symbol);
      send('price', { gain: data.gain, price: data.price });
    }, 6000);

// start the server
app.listen({ port: 3100 });

// Browser side:
const livePrice = new EventSource('http://localhost:3100/stock/GOOG');

livePrice.addEventListener('price', e => {
  const { gain, price } = JSON.parse(;
  document.querySelector('#stock-GOOG-gain').innerText = gain;
  document.querySelector('#stock-GOOG-price').innerText = price;

Note that with SSE, the client must ultimately decide when to stop listening. Creating an EventSource object will open a connection to the server, and if the server closes the connection, the browser will automatically reconnect.

So if you want to tell the browser you are done sending events, send a message that your client-side code will understand to mean "stop listening". Here is an example:

import { HttpRouter } from 'bunshine';

const app = new HttpRouter();

app.get<{ videoId: string }>('/convert-video/:videoId', c => {
  const { videoId } = c.params;
  return c.sse(send => {
    const onProgress = percent => {
      send('progress', { percent });
    const onComplete = () => {
      send('progress', { percent: 100 });
    startVideoConversion(videoId, onProgress, onComplete);

// start the server
app.listen({ port: 3100 });

// Browser side:
const conversionProgress = new EventSource('/convert-video/123');

conversionProgress.addEventListener('progress', e => {
  const data = JSON.parse(;
  if (data.percent === 100) {
  } else {
    document.querySelector('#progress').innerText =;

You may have noticed that you can attach multiple listeners to an EventSource object to react to multiple event types. Here is a minimal example:

// Server side
app.get('/hello', c => {
  const { videoId } = c.params;
  return c.sse(send => {
    send('event1', 'data1');
    send('event2', 'data2');

// Browser side:
const events = new EventSource('/hello');
events.addEventListener('event1', listener1);
events.addEventListener('event2', listener2);

Route Matching

Bunshine v1 used the path-to-regexp package for processing path routes. Due to a discovered RegExp Denial of Service vulnerability, Bunshine no longer uses path-to-regexp docs.


Bunshine supports the following route matching features:

  • Named placeholders using colons (e.g. /posts/:id)
  • End wildcards using stars (e.g. /assets/*)
  • Middle non-slash wildcards using stars (e.g. /assets/*/*.css)
  • Static paths (e.g. /posts)
  • Custom Regular Expression (e.g. /^\/author\/([a-z]+)$/i)

Support for other behaviors can lead to a Regular Expression Denial of service vulnerability where an attacker can request long URLs and tie up your server CPU with backtracking regular expression searches.

Path examples

/users/:id/users/123{ id: '123' }
/users/:id/groups/users/123/groups{ id: '123' }
/u/:id/groups/:gid/u/1/groups/a{ id: '1', gid: 'a' }
/star/*/star/man{ 0: 'man' }
/star/*/star/man/can{ 0: 'man/can' }
/star/*/can/star/man/can{ 0: 'man' }
/star/*/can/*/star/man/can/go{ 0: 'man', 1: 'go' }

Special Characters

Note that all regular-expression special characters including \ ^ $ * + ? . ( ) | { } [ ] will be escaped. If you need any of these behaviors, you'll need to pass in a RegExp.

For example, the dot in /assets/*.js will not match all characters--only dots.™™

Not supported

Support for regex-like syntax has been dropped in v2 due to a RegExp Denial of Service vulnerability. For cases where you need to limit by character or specify optional segments, you'll need to pass in a RegExp. Be sure to check your RegExp with a ReDoS checker such as Devina or redos-checker on npm.

ExampleExplainationEquivalent RegExp
/users/([a-z-]+)/Character classes are not supported^\/users\/([a-z-]+)$
/users/(\\d+)Character class escapes are not supported^/\/users\/(\d+)$
/(users|u)/:idPipes are not supported^\/(users|u)/([^/]+)$
/:a/:b?Optional params are not supported^\/([^/]*)\/(.*)$


HTTP methods

import { HttpRouter } from 'bunshine';

const app = new HttpRouter();

app.head('/posts/:id', doesPostExist);
app.get('/posts/:id', getPost);'/posts/:id', addPost);
app.patch('/posts/:id', editPost);
app.put('/posts/:id', upsertPost);
app.trace('/posts/:id', tracePost);
app.delete('/posts/:id', deletePost);
app.options('/posts/:id', getPostCors);

// special case for specifying both head and get
app.headGet('/files/*', serveFiles(`${import.meta.dir}/files`));

// any list of multiple verbs (must be uppercase)
app.on(['POST', 'PATCH'], '/posts/:id', addEditPost);

// regular expression matchers are supported
app.get(/^\/author\/([a-z]+)$/i, getPost);

app.listen({ port: 3100 });

Included middleware


Serve static files from a directory. As shown above, serving static files is easy with the serveFiles middleware. Note that ranged requests are supported, so you can use it for video streaming or partial downloads.

import { HttpRouter, serveFiles } from 'bunshine';

const app = new HttpRouter();

app.get('/public/*', serveFiles(`${import.meta.dir}/public`));

app.listen({ port: 3100 });

How to respond to both GET and HEAD requests:

import { HttpRouter, serveFiles } from 'bunshine';

const app = new HttpRouter();

app.on(['HEAD', 'GET'], '/public/*', serveFiles(`${import.meta.dir}/public`));
// or
app.headGet('/public/*', serveFiles(`${import.meta.dir}/public`));

app.listen({ port: 3100 });

How to alter the response provided by another handler:

import { HttpRouter, serveFiles } from 'bunshine';

const app = new HttpRouter();

const addFooHeader = async (_, next) => {
  const response = await next();
  response.headers.set('x-foo', 'bar');
  return response;

app.get('/public/*', addFooHeader, serveFiles(`${import.meta.dir}/public`));

app.listen({ port: 3100 });

serveFiles accepts an optional second parameter for options:

import { HttpRouter, serveFiles } from 'bunshine';

const app = new HttpRouter();

  serveFiles(`${import.meta.dir}/public`, {
    extensions: ['html', 'css', 'js', 'png', 'jpg', 'gif', 'svg', 'ico'],
    index: true,

app.listen({ port: 3100 });

All options for serveFiles:

acceptRangestrueIf true, accept ranged byte requests
dotfiles"ignore"How to handle dotfiles; allow=>serve normally, deny=>return 403, ignore=>run next handler
etagN/ANot yet implemented
extensions[]If given, a list of file extensions to allow
fallthroughtrueIf false, issue a 404 when a file is not found, otherwise proceed to next handler
maxAgeundefinedIf given, add a Cache-Control header with max-age†
immutablefalseIf true, add immutable directive to Cache-Control header; must also specify maxAge
index[]If given, a list of filenames (e.g. index.html) to look for when path is a folder
lastModifiedtrueIf true, set the Last-Modified header

A number in milliseconds or expression such as '30min', '14 days', '1y'.


To add CORS headers to some/all responses, use the cors middleware.

import { HttpRouter, cors } from 'bunshine';

const app = new HttpRouter();

// cors origin examples
app.use(cors({ origin: '*' }));
app.use(cors({ origin: true }));
app.use(cors({ origin: '' }));
app.use(cors({ origin: /^https:\/\// }));
app.use(cors({ origin: ['', ''] }));
app.use(cors({ origin: ['', /https:\/\/stuff.[a-z]+/i] }));
app.use(cors({ origin: incomingOrigin => incomingOrigin }));
app.use(cors({ origin: incomingOrigin => getAllowedOrigins(incomingOrigin) }));

// All options
    origin: '',
    allowMethods: ['GET', 'POST'],
    allowHeaders: ['X-HTTP-Method-Override', 'Authorization'],
    exposeHeaders: ['X-Response-Id'],
    maxAge: 86400,
    credentials: true,

// and of course, cors can be attached at a specific path
app.all('/api', cors({ origin: '*' }));

// then add your endpoints
app.get('/api/hello', c => c.json({ hello: 'world' }));

app.listen({ port: 3100 });

Options details:

origin: A string, regex, array of strings/regexes, or a function that returns the desired origin header allowMethods: an array of HTTP verbs to allow clients to make allowHeaders: an array of HTTP headers to allow clients to send exposeHeaders: an array of HTTP headers to expose to clients maxAge: the number of seconds clients should cache the CORS headers credentials: whether to allow credentials (e.g. cookies or auth headers)

devLogger & prodLogger

devLogger outputs colorful logs in the form below.


[19:10:50.276Z] GET /api/users/me 200 (5ms)

prodLogger outputs logs in JSON with the following shape:

Request log:

  "msg": "--> GET /",
  "type": "request",
  "date": "2021-08-01T19:10:50.276Z",
  "id": "ea98fe2e-45e0-47d1-9344-2e3af680d6a7",
  "host": "",
  "method": "GET",
  "pathname": "/",
  "runtime": "Bun v1.1.4",
  "poweredBy": "Bunshine v2.0.0",
  "machine": "server1",
  "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
  "pid": 123

Response log:

  "msg": "200 GET /",
  "type": "response",
  "date": "2021-08-01T19:10:50.286Z",
  "id": "ea98fe2e-45e0-47d1-9344-2e3af680d6a7",
  "host": "",
  "method": "GET",
  "pathname": "/",
  "runtime": "Bun v1.1.4",
  "poweredBy": "Bunshine v2.0.0",
  "machine": "server1",
  "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
  "pid": 123,
  "took": 5

To use these loggers, simply attach them as middleware.

import { HttpRouter, devLogger, prodLogger } from 'bunshine';

const app = new HttpRouter();

const logger = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? devLogger : prodLogger;
// or at a specific path
app.use('/api/*', logger());

app.listen({ port: 3100 });


You can add an X-Took header with the number of milliseconds it took to respond.

import { HttpRouter, performanceHeader } from 'bunshine';

const app = new HttpRouter();

// Add X-Took header
// Or use a custom header name

app.listen({ port: 3100 });


You can add security-related headers to responses with the securityHeaders middleware. For more information about security headers, checkout these resources:

import { HttpRouter, securityHeaders } from 'bunshine';

const app = new HttpRouter();

// The following are defaults that you can override
    contentSecurityPolicy: {
      frameSrc: ["'self'"],
      workerSrc: ["'self'"],
      connectSrc: ["'self'"],
      defaultSrc: ["'self'"],
      fontSrc: ['*'],
      imgSrc: ['*'],
      manifestSrc: ["'self'"],
      mediaSrc: ["'self' data:"],
      objectSrc: ["'self' data:"],
      prefetchSrc: ["'self'"],
      scriptSrc: ["'self'"],
      scriptSrcElem: ["'self' 'unsafe-inline'"],
      scriptSrcAttr: ["'none'"],
      styleSrcAttr: ["'self' 'unsafe-inline'"],
      baseUri: ["'self'"],
      formAction: ["'self'"],
      frameAncestors: ["'self'"],
      sandbox: {},
    crossOriginEmbedderPolicy: 'unsafe-none',
    crossOriginOpenerPolicy: 'same-origin',
    crossOriginResourcePolicy: 'same-origin',
    permissionsPolicy: {
      // only include special APIs that you use
      accelerometer: [],
      ambientLightSensor: [],
      autoplay: ['self'],
      battery: [],
      camera: [],
      displayCapture: [],
      documentDomain: [],
      encryptedMedia: [],
      executionWhileNotRendered: [],
      executionWhileOutOfViewport: [],
      fullscreen: [],
      gamepad: [],
      geolocation: [],
      gyroscope: [],
      hid: [],
      identityCredentialsGet: [],
      idleDetection: [],
      localFonts: [],
      magnetometer: [],
      midi: [],
      otpCredentials: [],
      payment: [],
      pictureInPicture: [],
      publickeyCredentialsCreate: [],
      publickeyCredentialsGet: [],
      screenWakeLock: [],
      serial: [],
      speakerSelection: [],
      storageAccess: [],
      usb: [],
      webShare: ['self'],
      windowManagement: [],
      xrSpacialTracking: [],
    referrerPolicy: 'strict-origin',
    server: false,
    strictTransportSecurity: 'max-age=86400; includeSubDomains; preload',
    xContentTypeOptions: 'nosniff',
    xFrameOptions: 'SAMEORIGIN',
    xPoweredBy: false,
    xXssProtection: '1; mode=block',

app.listen({ port: 3100 });

TypeScript pro-tips

Bun embraces TypeScript and so does Bunshine. Here are some tips for getting the most out of TypeScript.

Typing URL params

You can type URL params by passing a type to any of the route methods:

import { HttpRouter } from 'bunshine';

const app = new HttpRouter();<{ id: string }>('/users/:id', async c => {
  // TypeScript now knows that is a string

app.get<{ 0: string }>('/auth/*', async c => {
  // TypeScript now knows that c.params['0'] is a string

app.listen({ port: 3100 });

Typing WebSocket data

import { HttpRouter } from 'bunshine';

const app = new HttpRouter();

// regular routes
app.get('/', c => c.text('Hello World!'));

type User = {
  nickname: string;
  email: string;
  first: string;
  last: string;

// WebSocket routes<{ room: string }, { user: User }>('/games/rooms/:room', {
  upgrade: ({ request, params, url }) => {
    // Typescript knows that is a string
    const cookies = req.headers.get('cookie');
    const user = getUserFromCookies(cookies);
    // here user is typed as User
    return { user };
  open(ws) {
    // TypeScript knows that is a string
    // TypeScript knows that is a User
  message(ws, message) {
    // TypeScript knows that is a string
    // TypeScript knows that is a User
  close(ws, code, message) {
    // TypeScript knows that is a string
    // TypeScript knows that is a User

// start the server
app.listen({ port: 3100 });


  • ✅ HttpRouter
  • ✅ SocketRouter
  • ✅ Context
  • ✅ examples/server.ts
  • ✅ middleware > serveFiles
  • ✅ middleware > cors
  • ✅ middleware > devLogger
  • ✅ middleware > prodLogger
  • ✅ middleware > performanceHeader
  • ✅ middleware > securityHeaders
  • ✅ middleware > trailingSlashes
  • 🔲 middleware > html rewriter
  • 🔲 middleware > hmr
  • 🔲 middleware > directoryListing
  • 🔲 middleware > rate limiter
  • 🔲 document headers middleware
  • 🔲 move some middleware to @bunshine/\*?
  • ✅ gzip compression
  • ✅ options for serveFiles
  • 🔲 tests for cors
  • 🔲 tests for devLogger
  • 🔲 tests for prodLogger
  • 🔲 tests for gzip
  • 🔲 tests for responseFactories
  • ✅ tests for serveFiles
  • 🔲 100% test coverage
  • 🔲 support and document flags to bin/serve.ts with commander
  • 🔲 more files in examples folder
  • 🔲 example of mini app that uses bin/serve.ts (maybe our own docs?)
  • 🔲 GitHub Actions to run tests and coverage
  • 🔲 Support server clusters
  • ✅ Replace "ms" with a small and simple implementation
  • ✅ Export functions to gzip strings and files
  • ✅ Gzip performance testing (to get min/max defaults)


ISC License



Package last updated on 23 Sep 2024

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