A Cerebral module for everything user agent.

The useragent module puts information about the browser into your model, and it also updates this information when the size of the browser changes etc.
- UA parser: browser and device
- Window: size & orientation
- Media queries
- Feature detection
- Internet connectivity
This project is still in alpha. To test alpha version check instructions in monorepo.
import {Controller} from 'cerebral'
import Useragent from 'cerebral-module-useragent'
const controller = Controller({
modules: {
useragent: Useragent({
media: {
small: '(min-width: 600px)',
medium: '(min-width: 1024px)',
large: '(min-width: 1440px)',
portrait: '(orientation: portrait)'
feature: true,
parse: {
browser: true,
device: true
offline: {
checkOnLoad: false,
interceptRequests: true,
reconnect: {
initialDelay: 3,
delay: 1.5
requests: false
window: true
Grabbing details from useragent
The useragent module will populate your model on the given namespace. All you need to do in your view layer is to grab whatever data you need from it, for example media:
export default connect({
media: 'useragent.media.*'
}, ...)