Node.js Logging Support for Cloud Foundry

This is a collection of support libraries for node.js applications running on Cloud Foundry that serve two main purposes: It provides (a) means to emit structured application log messages and (b) instrument parts of your application stack to collect request metrics.
For details on the concepts and log formats, please look at the sibling project for java logging support.
Version 2.0 introduced logging without Winston and changed custom fields to be parsed and reported as strings regardless of original type.
Version 3.0 introduced dynamic log levels, sensitive data reduction and a redesigned field configuration system
- Network logging (http requests) for CloudFoundry
- Custom message logging
- Logging levels
- Dynamic logging level (per request)
- Extendable field configuration
- Sensitive data reduction
- Can be bound to Winston as transport
npm install cf-nodejs-logging-support
Minimal Example
var express = require('express');
var log = require('cf-nodejs-logging-support');
var app = express();
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
req.logMessage("info", "Hello World will be sent");
res.send('Hello World');
log.logMessage("info", "Server is listening on port %d", 3000);
Other Server Libraries
The logging library defaults to express middleware behaviour, but it can be forced to work with other Server libraries as well:
With restify:
var restify = require('restify');
var log = require('cf-nodejs-logging-support');
var app = restify.createServer();
With nodejs http:
var log = require("cf-nodejs-logging-support");
const http = require('http');
const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
log.logNetwork(req, res);
req.logMessage("info", "request bound information:", {
"some": "info"
log.logMessage("info", "Server is listening on port %d", 3000);
Custom Messages
Use the logMessage(...) function to log custom messages with a given logging level. It is also possible to use the standard format placeholders equivalent to the util.format method.
Custom messages may be called on two objects:
- If you want to keep track of a request with custom messages, you want to call req.logMessage(...) so the correct correlation_id and request_id will be added to this log.
- If you want to write request independent custom messages, you want to call log.logMessage(...) so no further context tracking will be added.
Simple message
logMessage("info", "Hello World");
With addtional numeric value
logMessage("info", "Listening on port %d", 5000);
With additional string values
logMessage("info", "This %s a %s", "is", "test");
With custom fields added to custom_fields field. Keep in mind that the last argument is handled as custom_fields object, if it is an object.
logMessage("info", "Test data %j", {"field" :"value"});
With json object forced to be embedded in to the message (nothing will be added to custom_fields).
logMessage("info", "Test data %j", {"field" :"value"}, {});
Sensitive data redaction
Version 3.0.0 and above implements a sensitive data redaction system, which deactivates the logging of sensitive fields. The field will contain 'redacted' instead of the original content.
Following fields will be redacted by default: remote_ip, remote_host, remote_port, x_forwarded_for, remote_user, referer.
In order to activate normal logging for all or some of these fields, you have to setup environment variables with the following names:
Environment Variable | Optional fields |
LOG_SENSITIVE_CONNECTION_DATA: true | activates the fields remote_ip, remote_host, remote_port, x_forwarded_for |
LOG_REMOTE_USER: true | activates the field remote_user |
LOG_REFERER: true | activates the field referer |
This behavior matches with the corresponding mechanism in the CF Java Logging Support library.
Dynamic log levels
Sometimes it is useful to change the logging level for a specific request. This can be achieved by dynamic log levels set by a special header field or directly inside the corresponding request handler.
You can change the log level for a specific request by providing a JSON Web Token (JWT) via the request header. This way it is not necessary to redeploy your app for every log level change.
1 Creating a JWT
JWTs are signed claims, which consists of a header, a payload and a signature. You can create JWTs by using the TokenCreator from the tools folder.
Basically, JWTs are signed with RSA or HMAC signing algorithms. But we decided to support RDA algorithms (RS256, RS384 and RS512) only. In contrast to HMAC algorithms (HS256, HS384 and HS512), RSA algorithms are asymmetric and therefore require key pairs (public and private key).
The tool mentioned above takes a log level, creates a key pair and signs the resulting JWT with the private key. The payload of a JWT looks like this:
"issuer": "<valid e-mail address>",
"level": "debug",
"iat": 1506016127,
"exp": 1506188927
This library supports six logging levels: error, warn, info, verbose, debug and silly. Make sure that your JWT specifies one of them in order to work correctly. It is also important to make sure that the JWT has not been expired, when using it.
2 Providing the public key
The logging library will try to verify JWTs attached to incoming requests. In order to do so, the public key (from above) needs to be provided via an environment variable called DYN_LOG_LEVEL_KEY:
DYN_LOG_LEVEL_KEY: <your public key>
Redeploy your app after setting up the environment variable.
3 Attaching JWTs to requests
Provide the created JWTs via a header field named 'SAP-LOG-LEVEL'. The logging level will be set to the provided level for the request (and also corresponding custom log messages).
Note: If the provided JWT cannot be verified, is expired or contains an invalid logging level, the library ignores it and uses the global logging level.
If you want to use another header name for the JWT, you can specify it via an enviroment variable:
Change log level within request handler
You can also change the log level for all requests of a specific request handler by calling:
Winston Transport
This logging tool can be used in conjunction with Winston. Logging via Winston transport is limited to custom logs. Network activity can not be tracked automatically. Example:
var express = require('express');
var log = require('cf-nodejs-logging-support');
var winston = require('winston');
var app = express();
var logger = new(winston.Logger)({
transports: [log.winstonTransport]
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
res.send('Hello World');
logger.log("info", "Server is listening on port %d", 3000);
Request correlation_id
In order to get the correlation_id of an request, you can use the following call.
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
var id = req.getCorrelationId();
res.send('Hello World');
It is also possible to change the correlation_id:
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
res.send('Hello World');
Correlation context objects
As stated above the req
acts as context preserving object and provides context bound functions like logMessage(...)
. In some cases you might want to create new context objects in order to create logs in context of other incoming data events (e.g. RabbitMQ). To do so you can use
var ctx = log.getCorrelationObject();
at any time to create new context objects. Custom context objects are provided with a newly generated correlation_id.
Another usecase for this functionality is forwarding the context object of a request to other functions. Imagine a request handler that calls function foo()
which should log messages in context of the original request. Instead of providing the req
object to foo()
it is a cleaner solution to create a new context object which retains the original correlation_id by calling:
var ctx = req.getCorrelationObject();
If you want to provide your own correlation_id, you can use the ctx.setCorrelationId(<id>)
Human readable output
Setup an output pattern to get a human-readable output instead of json. Use '{{' and '}}' to print log parameters.
log.setLogPattern("{{written_at}} - {{msg}}");
Fixed Values for Network Logging (will impact log parsing if used incorrectly)
Possibility to tailor logs to your needs, you can for example change the msg field for Network-logs to find them in the Human readable format:
log.overrideNetworkField("msg", YOUR_CUSTOM_MSG);
This will replace the value of the previously empty msg field for network logs with YOUR_CUSTOM_MSG.
Sample Apps