Chai Plugin for Snapshot Testing with Karma
Snapshot Serialization
This plugin is using the same serialization module that is used in Jest library.
Snapshot Format
Snapshots are stored in a Markdown format to improve readability.
## `Root Suite`
## `Sub Suite`
#### `HTML Snapshot`
<span />
Snapshot File Path
Snapshot file path is extracted from the name of the root suit cases and stored alongside with a tested files in a
Usage Example
$ npm install karma karma-webpack karma-sourcemap-loader karma-snapshot karma-mocha \
karma-mocha-snapshot karma-mocha-reporter karma-chrome-launcher mocha \
chai chai-karma-snapshot webpack --save-dev
Karma configuration:
const webpack = require("webpack");
module.exports = function (config) {
browsers: ["ChromeHeadless"],
frameworks: ["mocha", "snapshot", "mocha-snapshot"],
reporters: ["mocha"],
preprocessors: {
"**/__snapshot__/**/*.md": ["snapshot"],
"__tests__/index.js": ["webpack", "sourcemap"]
files: [
colors: true,
autoWatch: true,
webpack: {
plugins: [
new webpack.SourceMapDevToolPlugin({
test: /\.js$/,
performance: {
hints: false
webpackMiddleware: {
stats: "errors-only",
noInfo: true
snapshot: {
update: !!process.env.UPDATE,
mochaReporter: {
showDiff: true,
client: {
mocha: {
reporter: "html",
ui: "bdd",
Source file:
export function test() {
return "Snapshot Test";
Test file:
import { use, expect } from "chai";
import { matchSnapshot } from "chai-karma-snapshot";
import { test } from "../src/index.js";
describe("src/index.js", () => {
it("check snapshot", () => {
Run tests:
$ karma start
Update snapshots:
$ UPDATE=1 karma start --single-run