A simple CLI scaffolding for front-end projects.
Prerequisites: Node.js (>=6.x) and Git.
$ npm install chare -g
$ chare init <template-name> <project-name>
$ chare init vue-webpack my-project
The above command pulls the template from waka-templates/vue-webpack, prompts for some information, and generates the project at ./my-project/
or chare -h
--- find help info for chare.chare list
--- list all available official templates from waka-templates.chare init template-name your-project-name
--- init your project with specified template.chare token -u your-github-user-name -p your-personal-token
--- set auth token to get a higher rate limit of api requests. Check out the documentation for more details.
Note: Check out the documentation for more details about Basic Authentication.
Waka provides some simple official template, if it can't meet your needs, you also can specified template from others' repo or use your local template.
Official Templates
All official project templates are repos in the waka-templates organization. When a new template is added to the organization, you will be able to run chare init <template-name> <project-name>
to use that template. You can also run chare list
to see all available official templates.
Templates will be provided include:
- vue-webpack --- A simple template webpack + vuejs setup for projects
- zepto-webpack --- A simple template webpack + zepto setup for projects
- react-webpack --- A simple template webpack + react setup for projects
Additional, you also can check template simple to write owner customized template.
Templates from github
It's unlikely to make everyone happy with the official templates. You can simply fork an official template and then use it via chare-cli
chare init username/repo my-project
Where username/repo
is the GitHub repo shorthand for your fork.
Local Templates
Instead of a GitHub repo, you can also use a template on your local file system:
chare init ~/fs/path/to-custom-template my-project
There is a guide for to writing owner customized template.
In the guide, we said that the template has its directory structure like it must have a template directory that holds the template files.
But the template you used doesn't meet the rules, chare will use the root directory of repo or local template.
chare init repo/test test
If template directory(which path is like test/template
) doesn't exist in the root directory of test
, chare will use test
as the template to init your project.
To metalsmith scaffolder for the head start.