Compile and run Constraint Handling Rules (CHR) in JavaScript.
CHR.js is a just-in-time (JIT) compiler for Constraint Handling Rules, embedded in JavaScript. For better runtime performance it supports ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation too, either by its command line tool chrjs
or babel-plugin-chr, a plugin for Babel.
Getting Started
The online version at is the easiest way to generate a constraint solver. Just enter your Constraint Handling Rules, try adding some constraints, and download the generated solver code.
The following CHR rule generates all fibonacci numbers upto a given index Max
as constraints of the form fib(Number,Value)
upto(Max), fib(A,AV), fib(B,BV) ==> B === A+1, B < Max | fib(B+1,AV+BV)
The CHR rule can be used in JavaScript after declaring it via the chr()
function, like in this example:
var CHR = require('chr')
var chr = CHR()
chr('upto(Max), fib(A,AV), fib(B,BV) ==> \
B === A+1, B < Max | fib(B+1,AV+BV)')
]).then(function () {
chr.upto(5).then(function () {
More example CHR scripts are provided at
Defining CHR rules in this way, they are compiled at runtime, that means we use a just-in-time (JIT) compilation. However, for performance reasons, we encourage the use of an ahead-of-time (AOT) compiler as presented in the next section.
AOT Compilation
CHR.js comes with a CLI to pre-compile CHR programs:
$ cat example.chr
gcd(0) <=> true
gcd(N) \ gcd(M) <=> 0 < N, N <= M | gcd(M - N)
$ chrjs example.chr > example.js
$ node
> var chr = require('./example.js')
> chr.gcd(1000).then(function () { console.log(chr.Store.toString()) })
> chr.gcd(42).then(function () { console.log(chr.Store.toString()) })
Functions encapsulated in ${ ... }
are evaluated at rule application, as for JIT compilation too.
In addition to the traditional compilation mode, CHR.js can create an optimized compiled version using only syncronous functions and constraints, resulting in a way better performance of the generated constraint solver. Use the --optimized
$ chrjs --optimized example.chr
CHR.js provides a REPL (Read-eval-print loop) to use it interactively with the command line. The CHR >
REPL can be started by calling node repl.js
from within the project's root directory. Then it is possible to directly define rules and call constraints:
CHR > dec(0) <=> true
[Rule] Added.
CHR > dec(N) ==> dec(N-1)
[Rule] Added.
CHR > dec(4)
ID Constraint
-- ----------
1 dec(4)
2 dec(3)
3 dec(2)
4 dec(1)
The REPL can also be used programmatically by calling var Repl = require('chr/repl')
CHR.js was realized as a part of my Master Thesis in Computer Science at the University of Ulm, Germany. Its Project Report for a prototype implementation (versions 0.x
) with additional information about its architecture can be found online:
The implementation is based on the compilation scheme presented in the paper CHR for imperative host languages (2008; Peter Van Weert, Pieter Wuille, Tom Schrijvers, Bart Demoen). As of yet basically none of the mentioned optimizations have been implemented.