YA ComonJS to browser packer tool, well-suited for tiny widgets by small overhead and big app by module replacement, node-environment emulations and multi-exports.
what in a box?
- just put it to bundle as is.json
- wrap in module.exports
as node do it on require('file.json')
- compile to JavaScript.eco
- precompile to JavaScript function.jade
- precompile it in client-mode way
what about my custom template engine?
This possibility almost exists - clinch from 0.2.5 have API for third party processors, but template engine must support template-to-function precompilation.
More info and example - below at description of method registerProcessor()
For additional example - see using Handelbars - yap, now Hadlebars supported as add-on.
More about .jade
Compiled client-mode template may be used wia require()
. More information at './test', also examples was placed in wiki jade template engine. In browser should be pre-loaded Jade's runtime.js
npm install clinch
#!/usr/bin/env coffee
Clinch = require 'clinch'
packer = new Clinch()
pack_config =
package_name : 'my_package'
bundle :
main : "#{__dirname}/hello_world"
packer.buildPackage pack_config, (err, data) ->
if err
console.log 'Builder, err: ', err
console.log 'Builder, data: \n', data
Content of ./hellow_world
This is 'Hello World!' example
module.exports =
hello_world : -> 'Hello World!'
Now data
contain something like this
(function() {
'use strict';
<... skip clinch header ...>
dependencies = {};
sources = {
"2377150448": function(exports, module, require) {
// /Users/meettya/github/clinch/example/hello_world/hello_world.coffee
This is 'Hello World!' example
module.exports = {
hello_world: function() {
return 'Hello World!';
this.my_package = {
"main": require(2377150448)};
And in browser function may be accessed in this way
hello_world = my_package.main.hello_world
clinch have minimalistic API
packer = new Clinch clinch_options
- Clinch settings
packer.buildPackage package_config, cb
# or old form, will be deprecated in new version
packer.buildPackage package_name, package_config, cb
- root bundle package name (like $
for jQuery), remember about name collisions, may be omitted. Will be deprecated in new versions, use package_config.package_name
- package settings
- standard callback, all in clinch are async
packer.registerProcessor file_extention, fn
This method allow to register any file content processor, which will be used to process files with file_extention
- file extension to proceed
- processor function
# add .econ processor
packer.registerProcessor '.econ', (file_content, filename, cb) ->
content = Eco.precompile file_content
cb null, "module.exports = #{content}"
At now clinch will be compile all required .econ
files with this function.
And in module code:
template = require './template' # ./template.econ, extension may be omitted
res = template data # res now is some html-contented string
This method will force flush packer cache. As usually clinch flush cache if files changed, but for some rare cases its available to force it.
packer.getPackageFilesList package_config, cb
This method will return an Array of all files, used in package building process.
May be used for custom watch
implementation or in other cases
log : off # will add verbose output, but now not realized yet
strict : on # knob for 'use strict;' in bundle header
inject : on # if changed to 'off' - bundle will not to inject 'package_name' to global
runtime : off # use internal boilerplate code, or as external file
cache_modules : on # by default all resolved by 'require' file will be cached, if you have some problem - turn cache off and notice me
this settings will be applied to jade.compile() function
jade :
pretty : on
self : on
compileDebug : off
May be omitted. If omitted - inject all bundle members to global OR, if `inject : off` in package settings - make all bundle members local for bundle (it may be usefully in case of widgets with self-detection)
package_name : 'bundle_pack_name'
# bundle settings
strict : on # bundle knob for 'use strict;' in bundle header
inject : on # if changed to 'off' - bundle will not to inject 'package_name' to global
runtime : off # use internal boilerplate code, or as external file
cache_modules : on # by default all resolved by 'require' file will be cached, if you have some problem - turn cache off and notice me
At least one key must be exists
name -> code place
this keys was be exported when script loaded
bundle =
main : function(){...}
helper : function(){...}
later in code
main = bundle.main
bundle :
main : './src'
helper : './src/lib/helper'
This is local for code variables, to imitate node.js environment,
or replace somthing
Important - keys will be used as variable name, so any strange things may happened
if it not old plain string, remember it!!!
environment :
process : './node/js-process'
console : './node_modules/console-shim'
This part replace modules with browser-spec one
replacement :
util : './node_modules/js-util'
this is list of modules, which is not be placed in bungle
exclude : [
This is list of modules, which we are not check for require in it
save time with huge pre-bulded libraries, like `lodash` or `jquery`
if we are decide to place it in bundle
requireless : [
See example
or test
Also some examples will be available online at clinch_demo.
Also clinch will be used to browser-pack TinyData, see sources and packed lib
See also
Its exists README_ru version of documentation, with more information.
Shuvalov Anton
Simakov Konstantin