
Reference: Helpers API | Demo
Modern Era Acceptance Testing Framework for NodeJS
CodeceptJS is a new testing framework for end-to-end testing with WebDriver (or others).
It abstracts browser interaction to simple steps which is written from a user perspective.
A simple test that verifies that "Welcome" text is present on a main page of a site will look like:
Feature('CodeceptJS demo');
Scenario('check Welcome page on site', (I) => {
Codeception tests are:
- Synchronous. You don't need to care about callbacks, or promises, test scenarios are linear, your test should be too.
- Written from user's perspective. Every action is a method of
. That makes test easy to read, write and maintain even for non-tech persons. - Backend API agnostic. We don't know which WebDriver implementation is running this test. We can easily switch from WebDriverIO to Protractor or PhantomJS.
Codeception uses Helper modules to provide actions to I
object. Currently CodeceptJS has these helpers:
And more to come...
Why CodeceptJS?
CodeceptJS is a successor of Codeception, a popular full-stack testing framework for PHP.
With CodeceptJS your scenario-driven functional and acceptance tests will be as simple and clean as they can be.
You don't need to worry about asynchronous nature of NodeJS or about various APIs of Selenium, PhantomJS, Protractor, etc,
as CodeceptJS unifies them and makes them work as they were synchronous.
- Based on Mocha testing framework.
- Designed for scenario driven acceptance testing in BDD-style
- Uses ES6 natively without transpiler.
- Also plays nice with TypeScript.
- Selenium WebDriver integration using webdriverio.
- Smart locators: use names, labels, matching text, CSS or XPath to locate elements.
- Interactive debugging shell: pause test at any point and try different commands in a browser.
- Easily create tests, pageobjects, stepobjects with CLI generators.
$ npm install -g codeceptjs
Move to directory where you'd like to have your tests (and codeceptjs config) stored, and run
codeceptjs init
to create and configure test environment. It is recommended to select WebDriverIO from the list of helpers,
if you need to write Selenium WebDriver tests.
After that create your first test by executing:
codeceptjs generate test
Now test is created and can be executed with
codeceptjs run
If you want to write your tests using TypeScript just generate standard Type Definitions by executing:
codeceptjs def .
Later you can even automagically update Type Definitions to include your own custom helpers methods.
Learn CodeceptJS by examples. Let's assume we have CodeceptJS installed and WebDriverIO helper enabled.
Let's see how we can handle basic form testing:
Feature('CodeceptJS Demonstration');
Scenario('test some forms', (I) => {
I.fillField('Email', '');
I.fillField('Password', '123456');
I.checkOption('Male');'Create User');
I.see('User is valid');
All actions are performed by I object; assertions functions start with see
In this examples all methods of I
are taken from WebDriverIO helper, see reference to learn how to use them.
Let's execute this test with run
command. Additional option --steps
will show us the running process. We recommend use --steps
or --debug
during development.
codeceptjs run --steps
This will produce an output:
CodeceptJS Demonstration --
test some forms
• I am on page ""
• I fill field "Email", ""
• I fill field "Password", "123456"
• I check option "Active"
• I check option "Male"
• I click "Create User"
• I see "User is valid"
• I dont see in current url "/documentation"
✓ OK in 17752ms
CodeceptJS has an ultimate feature to help you develop and debug you test.
You can pause execution of test in any place and use interactive shell to try different actions and locators.
Just add pause()
call at any place in a test and run it.
Interactive shell can be started outside test context by running:
codeceptjs shell
We filled form with fillField
methods, which located form elements by their label.
The same way you can locate element by name, CSS or XPath locators in tests:
I.fillField('user_basic[email]', '');
I.fillField('#user_basic_email', '');
I.fillField({css: '#user_basic_email'}, '');
Other methods like checkOption
, and click
work in a similar manner. They can take labels or CSS or XPath locators to find elements to interact.
Assertions start with see
or dontSee
prefix. In our case we are asserting that string 'User is valid' is somewhere in a webpage.
However, we can narrow the search to particular element by providing a second parameter:
I.see('User is valid');
I.see('User is valid', '.alert-success');
In this case 'User is valid' string will be searched only inside elements located by CSS .alert-success
In case you need to return a value from a webpage and use it directly in test, you should use methods with grab
They are expected to be used inside a generator functions, and their results will be available in test:
var assert = require('assert');
Feature('CodeceptJS Demonstration');
Scenario('test page title', function*(I) {
var title = yield I.grabTitle();
assert.equal(title, 'Example application with SimpleForm and Twitter Bootstrap');
The same way you can grab text, attributes, or form values and use them in next test steps.
Common preperation steps like opening a web page, logging in a user, can be placed in Before
or Background
Feature('CodeceptJS Demonstration');
Before((I) => {
Scenario('test some forms', (I) => {'Create User');
I.see('User is valid');
Scenario('test title', (I) => {
I.seeInTitle('Example application');
CodeceptJS provides the most simple way to create and use page objects in your test.
You can create one by running
codeceptjs generate pageobject
It will create a page object file for you and add it to config.
Let's assume we created one named docsPage
'use strict';
let I;
module.exports = {
_init() {
I = actor();
fields: {
email: '#user_basic_email',
password: '#user_basic_password'
submitButton: {css: '#new_user_basic input[type=submit]'},
sendForm(email, password) {
I.fillField(, email);
I.fillField(this.fields.password, password);;
You can easily inject it to test by providing its name in test arguments:
Feature('CodeceptJS Demonstration');
Before((I) => {
Scenario('test some forms', (I, docsPage) => {
I.see('User is valid');
Current State
CodeceptJS is in its early days. Any feedback, issues, and pull requests are welcome. Try it, and if you like it - help us make it better!
MIT © DavertMik