Colyseus.js - Multiplayer Game Client for the Browser.

JavaScript/TypeScript client for
Colyseus Multiplayer Game Server.
The version 0.6.0 is still in beta. Expect some changes before the final
Connecting to server:
import * as Colyseus from "colyseus.js";
var client = new Colyseus.Client('ws://localhost:2657');
Joining to a room:
var room = client.join("room_name");
room.onJoin.add(function() {
console.log(client.id, "joined", room.name);
Listening to room state change:
Here comes the most powerful feature of the client. You can listen to every state update in the server-side, and bind them into client-side functions.
The first parameter is the path of the variable you want to listen to. When you provide placeholders (such as :number
, :id
, :string
) to the path, they will populate the function with the value found on it. See examples below.
Listening to entities being added in the room:
room.state.listen("entities/:id", "add", (entityId: string, value: any) => {
console.log(`new entity ${entityId}`, value);
Listening to entity attributes being replaced:
room.state.listen("entities/:id/:attribute", "replace", (entityId: string, attribute: string, value: any) => {
console.log(`entity ${entityId} changed attribute ${attribute} to ${value}`);
Listening to entities being removed:
room.state.listen("entities/:id", "remove", (entityId: string, value: any) => {
console.log(`entity ${entityId} has been removed`);
Other room events
Room state has been updated:
room.onUpdate.add(function(state) {
console.log(room.name, "has new state:", state)
Data coming from server directly to this client:
room.onData.add(function(data) {
console.log(client.id, "received on", room.name, data)
Server error occurred:
room.onError.add(function() {
console.log(client.id, "couldn't join", room.name)
The client left the room:
room.onLeave.add(function() {
console.log(client.id, "left", room.name)