Comby Helper
Wrapper around CLI tool Comby. Comby is a tool for searching and changing code structure
Install Comby manually
- Run Comby Helper CLI
npx comby-helper
- Inside of interactive CLI create new pattern
init test
.comby_rules/test.toml file will be created
- Edit it
match='''swap(:[1], :[2])'''
rewrite='''swap(:[2], :[1])'''
rule='where true'
- Dry run (to test rule).
Create src folder and add test file to it (somefile.js)
swap(x, y)
Return to interactive console. First argument is a target folder. Second argument is a rule name.
dry-run ./src test # or d ./src test
- If everything is OK - apply this rule by calling
apply ./src test # or a ./src test
Every file will be changed automatically.
Additional Options
To filter files by extensions add -x option
a ./src test -x .js,.ts,.jsx,.tsx
To exlude folders add -e option
a ./src test -e vendor,node_modules,test
Plz refer to official comby docs