A JavaScript client side image compression. This library uses the Canvas API to compress the image, and thus will not work on the node.js server-side.
- quick compression on the client-side
- compress multiple images and convert them to base64 string
- save data by compressing it on the client-side before sending to the server
- automatically resize the image to max 1920px (width or height, but mantains the aspect ratio of the images)
- fix image rotation issue when uploading images from Android an iOS
There are several limitations for this library:
- When working with
, the compressed image will no longer animate. - When working with
with transparent background, the compressed image will lose transparency and result in black background.
npm install compress.js --save
const Compress = require('compress.js')
Try out our demo here.
const compress = new Compress()
const upload = document.getElementById('upload')
upload.addEventListener('change', function (evt) {
const files = []
compress.compress(files, {
size: 4,
quality: .75,
maxWidth: 1920,
maxHeight: 1920,
resize: true,
}).then((data) => {
}, false)
compress.attach('#upload', {
size: 4,
quality: .75
}).then((data) => {
alt: '10mb-image.jpg',
data: '/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBD...',
elapsedTimeInSeconds: 1.9292250000000004,
endHeightInPx: 1280,
endSizeInMb: 0.44418832116788315,
endWidthInPx: 1920,
ext: 'image/jpeg',
initialHeightInPx: 3744,
initialSizeInMb: 8.989774,
initialWidthInPx: 5616,
iterations: 1,
prefix: 'data:jpeg;base64,'
quality: 0.75,
sizeReducedInPercent: 95.058960089899,
You can even convert the compressed base64 string to a file before uploading to the server:
compress.attach('#upload', {
size: 4,
quality: .75
}).then((results) => {
const img1 = results[0]
const base64str =
const imgExt = img1.ext
const file = Compress.convertBase64ToFile(base64str, imgExt)
TODO: Add d.ts to support typescript