☑️ Config Checker

A very simple and effective way to check config, before it's used in runtime with nice fluent API. Here is the full documentation.

Install from NPM
npm i configchecker
💡 Motivation
When you use some ENV value do you really know what it contains or if it is really defined?
export const { TESTING_MAIL } = process.env;
This will be OK until your server tries to send some email. Maybe it drops the whole server or just don't do nothing and you will be figuring out why the hell server is working but it doesn't send any emails.
I have this problem many many times.
And because I am a TypeScript lover it is fully using all advantages of static typing.
I load the config from some environment Object:
import { ConfigChecker } from 'configchecker';
const config = ConfigChecker.from(process.env);
And then I can read variabiles from it:
I can enforce them:
I can convert them to certain types:
Full sample 1
import { ConfigChecker } from 'configchecker';
const config = ConfigChecker.from(process.env);
export const PORT = config
export const TESTING_MAIL = config.get('TESTING_MAIL').value;
Full sample 2
This sample is working same like sample 1 but unfortunately it is not using full TypeScript potential.
import { ConfigChecker } from 'configchecker';
const config = ConfigChecker.from(process.env);
export default {
🖋️ Contributing
I am open to pull requests, feedback, and suggestions. Or if you like this utility, you can ☕ buy me a coffee or donate via cryptocurrencies.
You can also ⭐ star the configchecker package, follow me on GitHub or various other social networks.
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