containerify allows you to build node.js docker images without docker, allowing you to build a node.js docker image from within a docker container. This means you can build the container image on Kubernetes or Openshift - or locally in a docker container for more hermetic builds.
It will pull an image you specify from a given registry, add the node.js application from a given folder, and push the result to a(nother) given registry.
How to install
npm install -g containerify
How to use
This will pull the node:13-slim
image from Docker hub, build the image by adding the application in src/
, and push the result to the given registry, and set time timestamp of files in the created layers and configs to the current timestamp of the latest git commit.
containerify --fromImage node:13-slim --folder src/ --toImage myapp:latest --toRegistry --setTimeStamp=$(git show -s --format="%aI" HEAD)
Command line options
Usage: containerify [options]
--fromImage <name:tag> Required: Image name of base image - [path/]image:tag
--toImage <name:tag> Required: Image name of target image - [path/]image:tag
--folder <full path> Required: Base folder of node application (contains package.json)
--fromRegistry <registry url> Optional: URL of registry to pull base image from - Default:
--fromToken <token> Optional: Authentication token for from registry
--toRegistry <registry url> Optional: URL of registry to push base image to - Default:
--toToken <token> Optional: Authentication token for target registry
--toTar <path> Optional: Export to tar file
--registry <path> Optional: Convenience argument for setting both from and to registry
--platform <platform> Optional: Preferred platform, e.g. linux/amd64 or arm64
--token <path> Optional: Convenience argument for setting token for both from and to registry
--user <user> Optional: User account to run process in container - default: 1000
--workdir <directory> Optional: Workdir where node app will be added and run from - default: /app
--entrypoint <entrypoint> Optional: Entrypoint when starting container - default: npm start
--labels <labels> Optional: Comma-separated list of key value pairs to use as labels
--label <label> Optional: Single label (name=value). This option can be used multiple times. Wrap in double quotes if value has spaces or other characters that can cause arugment parsing issues.
--envs <envs> Optional: Comma-separated list of key value paris to use av environment variables.
--env <env> Optional: Single environment variable (name=value). This option can be used multiple times.
--setTimeStamp <timestamp> Optional: Set a specific ISO 8601 timestamp on all entries (e.g. git commit hash). Default: 1970 in tar files, and current time on manifest/config
--verbose Verbose logging
--allowInsecureRegistries Allow insecure registries (with self-signed/untrusted cert)
--customContent <dirs/files> Optional: Skip normal node_modules and applayer and include specified root folder files/directories instead
--extraContent <dirs/files> Optional: Add specific content. Specify as local-path:absolute-container-path,local-path2:absolute-container-path2 etc
--layerOwner <gid:uid> Optional: Set specific gid and uid on files in the added layers
--buildFolder <path> Optional: Use a specific build folder when creating the image
-h, --help output usage information
Detailed info
Everything in the specified folder (--folder
) is currently added to the image. It adds one layer with package.json
, package-lock.json
and node_modules
and then a separate layer with the rest.
You may want to prune dev-dependencies and remove any unwanted files before running containerify