Contentful import tool

Contentful provides a content infrastructure for digital teams to power content in websites, apps, and devices. Unlike a CMS, Contentful was built to integrate with the modern software stack. It offers a central hub for structured content, powerful management and delivery APIs, and a customizable web app that enable developers and content creators to ship digital products faster.
This Command Line Tool (CLI) helps you to import files generated by contentful-export to a destination space.
We recommend you install the CLI via npm:
npm install -g contentful-import
Usage and examples
Usage: contentful-import [options]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--space-id ID of the destination space [string] [required]
--management-token Contentful management API token for the destination
space [string] [required]
--content-file JSON file that contains data to be import to your
space [string] [required]
--content-model-only Import only content types[boolean] [default: false]
--skip-content-model Skip importing content types and locales
[boolean] [default: false]
--skip-locales Skip importing locales [boolean] [default: false]
--skip-content-publishing Skips content publishing. Creates content but does
not publish it [boolean] [default: false]
--error-log-file Full path to the error log file [string]
--proxy Proxy configuration in HTTP auth format: host:port
or user:password@host:port [string]
--config An optional configuration JSON file containing all
the options for a single run
contentful-import \
--space-id spaceID \
--management-token managementToken \
--content-file exported-file.json \
contentful-import --config example-config.json
You can create your own configuration file based on the example-config.json file.
Usage as a library
While this tool is intended for use as a command line tool, you can also use it as a Node library:
let spaceImport = require('contentful-import')
let options = {
content: {entries:..., contentTypes:..., locales:...},
spaceId: 'SPACE_ID',
managementToken: 'MANAGEMENT_TOKEN'
.then((output) => {
console.log('Data Imported successfully')
.catch((err) => {
console.log('oh no! errors occurred!', err)
The options
object can contain any of the CLI options, but written with a camelCase pattern instead and no dashes. For example --space-id
would become spaceId
Importing to a space with existing content
- Both source space and destination space must share the same content model structure. In order to achieve that, please use the migration-cli.
- Content transformations are also not supported, please use the migration-cli.
- Entities existence are determined based on their ID:
- If an entity does not exist in the destination space, it will be created.
- If an entity already exists in the destination space, it will be updated.
- Publishing strategy:
- If an entity is in draft, it will be created as draft in the destination space.
- If an entity is published and has pending changes (updated) in the source space, it will be published with the latest changes in the destination space.
- This tool currently does not support the import of space memberships.
- This tool currently does not support the import of roles.
- This tool is expecting the target space to have the same default locale as your previously exported space.
- Imported webhooks with credentials will be imported as normal webhooks. Credentials should be added manually afterwards.
- If you have custom UI extensions, you need to reinstall them manually in the new space.
Read the releases page for more information.
This project is licensed under MIT license