A simple dialog and framework to handle the German and EU law (as written by EuGH, 1.10.2019 – C-673/17) about cookies in a website
Note We made a new version with more detailed cookie settings, which works with Bootstrap 4. You find it
Follow these easy steps to integrate the cookie settings in your page.
1. Install cookie-consent-js in your project with npm install cookie-consent-js
Alternatively you can download the git repository.
2. Include cookie-consent.css
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/node_modules/cookie-consent-js/src/cookie-consent.css"/>
This should be done before any bootstrap or other frameworks css. You can
overwrite styling in your projects css, take a look at cookie-consent.scss.
3. Include cookie-consent.js
<script src="/node_modules/cookie-consent-js/src/cookie-consent.js"></script>
In your <head>
or at the bottom of your <body>
4. Initialize the Script
var cookieConsent = new CookieConsent({privacyPolicyUrl: "/privacy-policy.html"})
In props
you should at least define privacyPolicyUrl
See below "Configuration properties".
5. Enable "Cookie settings" in your service navigation
<a href="javascript:cookieConsent.reset()">Cookie settings</a>
So the user can anytime reconfigure, if he wants tracking or not.
6. Enable or disable tracking depending on configuration
Client side JavaScript: Surround your tracking code with
if(cookieConsent.trackingAllowed()) {
Server side PHP: Surround your tracking code with
if($_COOKIE['cookie-consent-tracking-allowed'] === 'true') {
All other languages: Just read, if the cookie cookie-consent-tracking-allowed
is "true"
...that's all! Contact me, if you have questions.
This framework writes a cookie (it's default name is cookie-consent-tracking-allowed
with the value "true"
, if the user has accepted tracking. You can read the value with the JavaScript
API (cookieConsent.trackingAllowed()
) or from any other language, server or client side, which can read cookies.
JavaScript API
Show the settings dialog again
Use this to allow the user to reconfigure the cookie settings, for example, in your
service navigation as "Cookie settings".
Read the status
Returns true
if the user did accept tracking cookies.
Use this function to disable tracking. Surround tracking code, like the Google Analytics code with
if(cookieConsent.trackingAllowed()) {
Read the status from PHP
Read the cookie from a PHP server with
if($_COOKIE['cookie-consent-tracking-allowed'] === 'true') {
Configuration properties
With default values.
this.props = {
buttonPrimaryClass: "btn btn-primary",
buttonSecondaryClass: "btn btn-secondary",
privacyPolicyUrl: "privacy-policy.html",
autoShowModal: true,
lang: navigator.language,
blockAccess: false,
position: "right",
postSelectionCallback: undefined,
content: {
de: {
title: "Cookie-Einstellungen",
body: "Wir nutzen Cookies, um Inhalte zu personalisieren und die Zugriffe auf unsere Website zu analysieren. " +
"Sie können wählen, ob Sie nur für die Funktion der Website notwendige Cookies akzeptieren oder auch " +
"Tracking-Cookies zulassen möchten. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserer --privacy-policy--.",
privacyPolicy: "Datenschutzerklärung",
buttonAcceptAll: "Alle Cookies akzeptieren",
buttonAcceptTechnical: "Nur technisch notwendige Cookies akzeptieren"
en: {
title: "Cookie settings",
body: "We use cookies to personalize content and analyze access to our website. " +
"You can choose whether you only accept cookies that are necessary for the functioning of the website " +
"or whether you also want to allow tracking cookies. For more information, please refer to our --privacy-policy--.",
privacyPolicy: "privacy policy",
buttonAcceptAll: "Accept all cookies",
buttonAcceptTechnical: "Only accept technically necessary cookies"
cookieName: "cookie-consent-tracking-allowed",
modalId: "cookieConsentModal"
Disable autoShow
You can disable autoShowModal
, for instance, in the privacy policy and legal notice pages to make these pages (better) readable.
var cookieConsent = new CookieConsent({linkPrivacyPolicy: "privacy-policy.html", autoShowModal: false})
See ./src/cookie-consent.scss
and overwrite values as you need in your projects stylesheet.
cookie-consent-js is a project of
If you use anything from this project, do so under the MIT-License.