Test the Fundraiser.sol
Truffle is great for excercising the smart contract.
Install truffle and testrpc.
npm install -g truffle
npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc
In one window, run testrpc
. In another, run truffle test
Deploy the contract
Run node scripts/deployCode.js --admin <admin> --treasury <treasury> --begin <beginBlock> --end <endBlock>
to get the gas and txdata to deploy the contract. Deployment can be done manually anywhere.
Generate tx data for a donation
Run node scripts/donateData.js --cosmos <cosmosAddress> --ether <etherAddress>
to get the transaction data
for a donation on behalf of <cosmosAddress>
Test the deployment data and the lib (without truffle)
We can't use truffle because we don't want to assume that much - just want data for raw txs.
Run node scripts/test.js
. Make sure testrpc
is running. (TODO: use mocha or something).