The dasm macro assembler (for JavaScript)
This is an emscripten-compiled version of the dasm macro assembler.
The dasm macro assembler transforms assembly code into 6502-compatible executable binary code. Since this is a JavaScript port of dasm, it allows that compilation process from JavaScript programs; more especifically, it can be used to create Atari VCS 2600 and Fairchild Channel F ROMs from a string containing dasm-compatible assembly source code.
In other words, it turns something like this:
; Pick the correct processor type
processor 6502
; Basic includes
include "vcs.h"
include "macro.h"
; Start address
org $f000
; Actual instructions
start SEI
LDA #$00
...into its equivalent byte code:
f000 78
f001 d8
f002 a2 ff
f004 9a
f005 a9 00
Technical information
This package uses version 2.20.11 of dasm. It supports the following processor architectures:
- 6502 (and 6507)
- 68705
- 6803
- HD6303 (extension of 6803)
- 68HC11
Among other features, dasm supports:
- fast assembly
- several binary output formats available
- expressions using [] for parenthesis
- complex pseudo ops, repeat loops, macros, etc
This specific port was built on Linux (err, Windows 10 bash) from the dasm source using the following commands:
emmake make
mv src/dasm src/dasm.bc
emcc src/dasm.bc -o dasm.js
The following changes were manually applied to the exported dasmj.js
- Wrapped the code with a function, so that could export it as a module
- Returned the created module as the result of a function call
- Exposed its internal file system through a
import dasm from "dasm";
const src = "...";
const result = dasm(src, "-f1", "-ofile.out", "-lfile.lst", ...);
const ROM = result.FS.readFile("file.out");
More information
Please download dasm and check its full documentation for more information and command line switches.
Check the emscripten FileSystem to learn about FS
and how to use it.
- More examples, including on how to include files
- Expose the module initialization options
- TypeScript definitions
- Real tests with CI
- Include machine target files (vcs.h, atari.h, channel f, etc)
- Command-line package (
Contributions are welcome.
This follows dasm itself and uses the GNU Public License v2.0.