RAML Data Type Expansion
Often, tools need the full expansion of RAML data types where there are no references. This module gives you a utility tool to expand a given type and create a canonical form.
npm install datatype-expansion
Developer Environment
To run this project and build the different packages for Java or Javascript, you need to install leiningen
. You can use homebrew for that.
brew install leiningen
RAML type expanded form
The RAML expanded form for a RAML type, resolves references and fills missing information to compute a fully expanded representation of the type.
The form and the algorithm to compute is documented here.
Usage Clojure
The Clojure interface for the library offers a function to compute the expanded form using the datatype-expansion.expanded-form/expanded-form
The function accepts an in-memory representation of the RAML type (keywordize) and a map from type names to types with the same representation.
It returns the expanded form.
The following example shows a usage example:
;; A type context with some types definitions
(def types-context {"Songs.Song" {:properties {:title "string"
:length "number"}}
"Songs.Album" {:properties {:title "string"
:songs "Songs.Song[]"}}})
(is (= (datatype-expansion.expanded-form/expanded-form (get types-context "Songs.Album") types-context)
{:type "object"
{"title" {:type "string" :required true}
"songs" {:type "array"
:items {:type "object"
{"title" {:type "string" :required true}
"length" {:type "number" :required true}}
:additionalProperties true
:required true}
:required true}}
:additionalProperties true
:required true}))
Usage Node.js
The Node.js interface for the library offers the expandedForm
function to compute the expanded form.
It accepts an in-memory JSON representation of the type, the types mapping and a callback function.
If the invocation succeeds, it will return the expanded form as an argument to the provided callback function.
var tools = require("datatype-expansion");
var typesContext = {"Songs.Song": {"properties": {"title": "string",
"length": "number"}},
"Songs.Album": {"properties": {"title": "string",
"songs": "Songs.Song[]"}}};
tools.expandedForm(typesContext["Songs.Album"], typesContext, function(err, expanded) {
RAML type canonical form
The canonical form computes inheritance and pushes unions to the top level of the type structure of an expanded RAML type. It is described in the documentation section of this repository.
Usage Clojure
The Clojure interface to compute the canonical form is implemented in the datatype-expansion.canonical-form/canonical-form
The function accepts and expanded RAML type and returns the canonical form for the same type.
;; A type context with some types definitions
(def types-context {"Songs.Song" {:properties {:title "string"
:length "number"}}
"Songs.Album" {:properties {:title "string"
:songs "Songs.Song[]"}}})
(-> types-context
(get "Songs.Song")
(datatype-expansion.expanded-form/expanded-form types-context)
Usage Node.js
The Node.js version of the canonical form function is defined in the canonicalForm
function of the library module.
It accepts a JSON in-memory representation of an expanded RAML type and a callback function. It returns the canonical form or an exception:
var tools = require("datatype-expansion");
var typesContext = {"Songs.Song": {"properties": {"title": "string",
"length": "number"}},
"Songs.Album": {"properties": {"title": "string",
"songs": "Songs.Song[]"}}};
tools.expandedForm(typesContext["Songs.Album"], typesContext, function(err, expanded) {
tools.canonicalForm(expanded, function(err, canonical) {
Usage browser
Require the browser build of the library, located in the browser
<script type="text/javascript" src="./browser/index.js"></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var compose = function(g,f) {
return (function(x) { return g(f(x)); });
var result = compose(
Running tests
Tests for the library can be run for the clojure version using leiningen:
$ lein test
The JavaScript tests can be run with the following leiningen invocation:
$ lein doo node test
Building the NPM package
The ClojureScript code of the library can be packaged as a NPM library using the following leiningen comand:
$ lein cljsbuild once default
This command will compile the ClojureScript code into JavaScript code that can be published as a NPM package using the provided packages.json