Simple utility to help making the transition from deprecated configuration objects to compliant ones.
const Deprecation = require('deprecation');
const myConfig = {
fine: true,
old: {
deprecated: true
'': 1
const deprecations = {
old: {
deprecated: 'new.shiny'
'': null
// or
const deprecations = {
"old.deprecated": "new.shiny",
"": null
const deprecation = new Deprecation(deprecations, myConfig);
const myCompliant = deprecation.getCompliant();
→ { "fine": true, "new": { "shiny": true } }
Returns a new, compliant object. The null
values in deprecations
are excluded.
const violations = deprecation.getViolations();
→ { "old.deprecated": "new.shiny", "": null }
The violations can be used to inform the user about the deprecations, for example:
if (Object.keys(violations).length > 0) {
console.warn(`Deprecated configuration options found. Please migrate before the next major release.`);
for(let deprecated in violations) {
console.warn(`The "${deprecated}" option is deprecated. Please use "${violations[deprecated]}" instead.`);