List the Node.js versions supported by the package/repository
Usage (command line)
$ npx detect-node-support [path]
Prints the supported Node.js versions for the package at the specified path. When the path is not a git repository - tries to read the git repository from package.json
and tries to detect the versions listed in the repository as well.
When path
is omitted, tries to detect the versions for cwd
$ npx detect-node-support [package name]
Prints supported Node.js versions for the package from the registry.
$ npx detect-node-support [repository git URL]
Prints supported Node.js versions for the package at the git URL.
Usage (library)
const result = await require('detect-node-support').detect({ path });
should be a folder in the local file system. When the path is not a git repository - tries to read the git repository from package.json
and tries to detect the versions listed in the repository as well.
const result = await require('detect-node-support').detect({ packageName });
is a string name for the package in the registry.
const result = await require('detect-node-support').detect({ repository });
is a URL for a git repository.
- Throws if the
/ repository
does not have a package.json
- Throws if
does not exist in the registry - Throws when unable to detect a git repository for the package
Otherwise returns an object with:
const result = {
"name": "package-name",
"version": "0.0.0",
"timestamp": 1577115956099,
"commit": "2de28c8c4ab8ac998d403509123736929131908c",
"engines": ">=x.y.z",
"travis": {
"raw": ["8", "10", "lts/*", "invalid-specifier"],
"resolved": {
"8": "8.17.0",
"10": "10.18.0",
"lts/*": "12.14.0",
"invalid-specifier": false