
ember-cli addon that provides a simple zurb foundation 5.5 modal for ember.js web applications
npm install ember-cli-foundation-modal --save-dev
To use this modal in your app
bower install zurb foundation 5.5
bower install foundation --save
add the css file to your Brocfile
add the modal bg div to your application.hbs
<div class="reveal-modal-bg" {{bind-attr style=modalBackgroundStyle}}></div>
add the mixin to your application controller
import ApplicationModalMixin from "ember-cli-foundation-modal/mixins/foundation-app-modal";
export default Ember.Controller.extend(ApplicationModalMixin);
add the html for the modal to any template and a button to toggle it
<div {{bind-attr style=modalStyle}} id="resolveModal" class="modal reveal-modal medium" data-reveal>
<button id="close-btn" {{action "toggleModal"}}>Close</button>
<button id="open-btn" {{action "toggleModal"}}>Open</button>
add the mixin to the controller backing the above template
import ModalMixin from "ember-cli-foundation-modal/mixins/foundation-modal";
export default Ember.Controller.extend(ModalMixin);
Running Tests
npm install
bower install
ember test
Copyright © 2015 Toran Billups http://toranbillups.com
Licensed under the MIT License