
Makes eslint the fastest linter on the planet.
"But eslint is pretty fast already, right?"
Yes, it's actually super fast. But the node.js startup time and loading all the
required modules slows down linting times for a single file to ~700
milliseconds. eslint_d
reduces this overhead by running a server in the
background. It brings the linting time down to ~160 milliseconds. If you want
to lint from within your editor whenever you save a file, eslint_d
is for
This will install the eslint_d
command globally:
$ npm install -g eslint_d
To start the server and lint a file, just run:
$ eslint_d file.js
On the initial call, the eslint_d
server is launched and then the given file
is linted. Subsequent invocations are super fast.
How does this work?
The first time you use eslint_d
, a little server is started in the background
and bound to a random port. The port number is stored along with a
token in ~/.eslint_d
. You can then run eslint_d
commands the
same way you would use eslint
and it will delegate to the background server.
It will load a separate instance of eslint for each working
directory to make sure settings are kept local. If eslint is found in the
current working directories node_modules
folder, then this version of eslint
is going to be used. Otherwise, the version of eslint that ships with
is used as a fallback.
However, the performance gain comes at a small price: Changes in the eslint
settings are only picked up after a server restart, so you will have to
remember to run eslint_d restart
after tweaking this rule or installing that
plugin. Also, when you have a lot of projects that use eslint, it might use
quite a bit of ram for cached instances. All memory can be freed up by running
eslint_d stop
or eslint_d restart
Control the server like this:
$ eslint_d <command>
Available commands:
: start the serverstop
: stop the serverstatus
: print out whether the server is currently runningrestart
: restart the server[options] file.js [file.js] [dir]
: invoke eslint
with the given options.
The eslint
engine will be created in the current directory. If the server
is not yet running, it is started.
Type eslint_d --help
to see the supported eslint
will select a free port automatically and store the port number
along with an access token in ~/.eslint_d
Editor integration
Sublime: Check out SublimeLinter-contrib-eslint_d.
Vim: Install the syntastic plugin, then make sure this is in your
let g:syntastic_javascript_checkers = ['eslint']
let g:syntastic_javascript_eslint_exec = 'eslint_d'
WebStorm: Configure your IDE to point to the eslint_d
package instead
of eslint
. In the ESLint configuration dialog, under 'ESLint package',
select your eslint_d
Atom: You will not gain any performance from this module as it already
avoids starting a new node instance and uses the API directly (see this
AtomLinter issue).
Emacs: Use flycheck with the
(setq flycheck-javascript-eslint-executable "eslint_d")
If you're using eslint_d
in any other editor, please tell me!
Automatic Fixing
has an additional flag that eslint
does not have,
which prints the fixed file to stdout. This allows editors to
add before save hooks to automatically fix a file prior to saving. It must be
used with --stdin
Vim: Add this to your .vimrc
to lint the current buffer or visual
selection on <leader>f
" Autofix entire buffer with eslint_d:
nnoremap <leader>f mF:%!eslint_d --stdin --fix-to-stdout<CR>`F
" Autofix visual selection with eslint_d:
vnoremap <leader>f :!eslint_d --stdin --fix-to-stdout<CR>gv
Emacs: See eslintd-fix
Moar speed
If you're really into performance and want the lowest possible latency, talk to
the eslint_d
server with netcat. This will also eliminate the node.js startup
$ PORT=`cat ~/.eslint_d | cut -d" " -f1`
$ TOKEN=`cat ~/.eslint_d | cut -d" " -f2`
$ echo "$TOKEN $PWD file.js" | nc localhost $PORT
This runs eslint
in under 50ms
Tip For additional speed, did you know that you can lint only files that
have changed? This is a feature of normal eslint
, but it also works from
. Run:
$ eslint_d . --cache
: eslint 4.0+4.0.0
: eslint 3.0+3.0.0
: eslint 2.2+1.0.0
, 2.0.0
: eslint 1.4+