Light Client for Exonum Blockchain

A JavaScript library to work with Exonum blockchain from browser and Node.js.
Used to sign transactions before sending to blockchain and verify blockchain responses using cryptographic proofs.
Contains numerous helper functions. Find out more information about the architecture and tasks of light clients in Exonum.
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Library compatibility with Exonum core:
JavaScript light client | Exonum core |
0.18.4 | 1.0.* |
0.18.3 | 1.0.0-rc.1 |
0.17.1 | 0.12.* |
0.16.9 | 0.11.* |
0.16.9 | 0.10.* |
0.13.0 | 0.9.* |
0.10.2 | 0.8.* |
0.9.0 | 0.7.* |
0.6.1 | 0.6.* |
0.6.1 | 0.5.* |
0.3.0 | 0.4.0 |
0.3.0 | 0.3.0 |
0.2.0 | 0.2.0 |
0.1.1 | 0.1.* |
Getting started
There are several options to include light client library in the application:
The preferred way is to install Exonum Client as a package from npm registry:
npm install exonum-client
Otherwise you can download the source code from GitHub and compile it before use in browser.
Include in browser:
<script src="node_modules/exonum-client/dist/exonum-client.min.js"></script>
Usage in Node.js:
let Exonum = require('exonum-client')
Data types
Exonum uses protobufjs library to serialize structured data into protobuf format.
Each transaction is signed before sending into blockchain.
Before the transaction is signed it is converted into byte array under the hood.
The data received from the blockchain should be converted into byte array under the hood
before it will be possible to verify proof of its existence using cryptographic algorithm.
Developer can both define data structures on the fly or use precompiled stubs with data structures.
To define Protobuf structures use protobufjs library.
const MessageSchema = new Type('CustomMessage')
.add(new Field('balance', 1, 'uint32'))
.add(new Field('name', 2, 'string'))
const Message = Exonum.newType(MessageSchema)
Exonum.newType function requires a single argument of protobuf.Type
Exonum uses cryptographic hashes of certain data for transactions and
Different signatures of the hash
function are possible:
Exonum.hash(data, type)
Argument | Description | Type |
data | Data to be processed using a hash function. | Object |
type | Definition of the data type. | Custom data type or transaction. |
An example of hash calculation:
const Message = new Type('User')
.add(new Field('balance', 1, 'uint32'))
.add(new Field('name', 2, 'string'))
const User = Exonum.newType(Message)
const data = {
balance: 100,
name: 'John Doe'
const hash = User.hash(data)
It is also possible to get a hash from byte array:
Argument | Description | Type |
buffer | Byte array. | Array or Uint8Array . |
An example of byte array hash calculation:
const arr = [8, 100, 18, 8, 74, 111, 104, 110, 32, 68, 111, 101]
const hash = Exonum.hash(arr)
The procedure for signing data using signing key pair
and verifying of obtained signature is commonly used
in the process of data exchange between the client and the service.
Built-in Exonum.keyPair helper function can be used
to generate a new random signing key pair.
Sign data
The signature can be obtained using the secret key of the signing pair.
There are three possible signatures of the sign
Exonum.sign(secretKey, data, type)
type.sign(secretKey, data)
Exonum.sign(secretKey, buffer)
Argument | Description | Type |
secretKey | Secret key as hexadecimal string. | String |
data | Data to be signed. | Object |
type | Definition of the data type. | Custom data type. |
buffer | Byte array. | Array or Uint8Array . |
The sign
function returns value as hexadecimal String
Verify signature
The signature can be verified using the author's public key.
There are two possible signatures of the verifySignature
Exonum.verifySignature(signature, publicKey, data, type)
type.verifySignature(signature, publicKey, data)
Argument | Description | Type |
signature | Signature as hexadecimal string. | String |
publicKey | Author's public key as hexadecimal string. | String |
data | Data that has been signed. | Object |
type | Definition of the data type. | Custom data type. |
The verifySignature
function returns value of Boolean
An example of signature creation and verification:
const Message = new Type('User')
.add(new Field('balance', 1, 'uint32'))
.add(new Field('name', 2, 'string'))
const User = Exonum.newType(Message)
const keyPair = Exonum.keyPair()
const data = {
balance: 100,
name: 'John Doe'
const signature = Exonum.sign(keyPair.secretKey, data, User)
const result = Exonum.verifySignature(signature, keyPair.publicKey, data, User)
Transaction in Exonum is an operation to change the data stored in blockchain.
Transaction processing rules is a part of business logic implemented
in a service.
Sending data to the blockchain from a light client consist of 3 steps:
- Describe the fields of transaction using custom data types
- Sign data of transaction using signing key pair
- Send transaction to the blockchain
Read more about transactions in Exonum,
or see the example of their usage.
Define transaction
An example of a transaction definition:
const Transaction = new Type('CustomMessage')
.add(new Field('to', 2, 'string'))
.add(new Field('amount', 3, 'uint32'))
const SendFunds = new Exonum.Transaction({
schema: Transaction,
service_id: 130,
method_id: 0
Exonum.Transaction constructor requires a single argument of Object
type with
the next structure:
Property | Description | Type |
schema | Protobuf data structure. | Object |
service_id | Service ID. | Number |
method_id | Method ID. | Number |
structure is identical to that of custom data type.
Sign transaction
An example of a transaction signing:
const keyPair = Exonum.keyPair()
const data = {
from: 'John',
to: 'Adam',
amount: 50
const signed = SendFunds.create(data, keyPair)
Send transaction
To submit transaction to the blockchain send
function can be used.
Exonum.send(explorerBasePath, transaction, attempts, timeout)
Property | Description | Type |
explorerBasePath | API address of transaction explorer on a blockchain node. | String |
transaction | Signed transaction bytes. | String , Uint8Array or Array -like |
attempts | Number of attempts to check transaction status. Pass 0 in case you do not need to verify if the transaction is accepted to the block. Optional. Default value is 10 . | Number |
timeout | Timeout between attempts to check transaction status. Optional. Default value is 500 . | Number |
The send
function returns a Promise
with the transaction hash.
The promise resolves when the transaction is committed (accepted to a block).
An example of a transaction sending:
const explorerBasePath = ''
const transactionHash = await Exonum.send(explorerBasePath, signed.serialize())
Send multiple transactions
To submit multiple transactions to the blockchain sendQueue
function can be used.
Transactions will be sent in the order specified by the caller.
Each transaction from the queue will be sent to the blockchain only after the previous transaction
is committed.
Exonum.sendQueue(explorerBasePath, transactions, attempts, timeout)
Property | Description | Type |
explorerBasePath | API address of transaction explorer on a blockchain node. | String |
transactions | List of transactions. | Array |
attempts | Number of attempts to check each transaction status. Pass 0 in case you do not need to verify if the transactions are accepted to the block. Optional. Default value is 10 . | Number |
timeout | Timeout between attempts to check each transaction status. Optional. Default value is 500 . | Number |
The sendQueue
function returns a Promise
with an array of transaction hashes.
The promise resolves when all transactions are committed.
Cryptographic proofs
A cryptographic proof is a format in which a Exonum node can provide sensitive data from a blockchain.
These proofs are based on Merkle trees and their variants.
Light client library validates the cryptographic proof and can prove the integrity and reliability
of the received data.
Read more about design of cryptographic proofs in Exonum.
Merkle tree proof
const proof = new Exonum.ListProof(json, ValueType)
The ListProof
class is used to validate proofs for Merkelized lists.
Argument | Description | Type |
json | The JSON presentation of the proof obtained from a full node. | Object |
ValueType | Data type for values in the Merkelized list. | Custom data type |
The returned object has the following fields:
Field | Description | Type |
merkleRoot | Hexadecimal hash of the root of the underlying Merkelized list | String |
entries | Elements that are proven to exist in the list, together with their indexes | Array<{ index: number, value: V }> |
length | List length | Number |
See an example of using a ListProof
Map proof
const proof = new Exonum.MapProof(json, KeyType, ValueType)
The MapProof
class is used to validate proofs for Merkelized maps.
Argument | Description | Type |
json | The JSON presentation of the proof obtained from a full node. | Object |
KeyType | Data type for keys in the Merkelized map. | Custom or built-in data type |
ValueType | Data type for values in the Merkelized map. | Custom data type |
Keys in a map proof can either be hashed (which is the default option)
or raw. To obtain a raw version for KeyType
, use MapProof.rawKey(KeyType)
The key type is determined by the service developer when the service schema
is created. Raw keys minimize the amount of hashing, but require that the underlying type
has fixed-width binary serialization.
The returned object has the following fields:
Field | Description | Type |
merkleRoot | Hexadecimal hash of the root of the underlying Merkelized map | String |
missingKeys | Set of keys which the proof asserts as missing from the map | Set<KeyType> |
entries | Map of key-value pairs that the are proven to exist in the map | Map<KeyType, ValueType> |
See an example of using a MapProof
Integrity checks
Verify block
Exonum.verifyBlock(data, validators)
Each new block in Exonum blockchain is signed by validators.
To prove the integrity and reliability of the block, it is necessary to verify their signatures.
The signature of each validator are stored in the precommits.
The verifyBlock
function throws an error if a block is invalid.
Argument | Description | Type |
data | Structure with block and precommits. | Object |
validators | An array of validators public keys as a hexadecimal strings. | Array |
Verify table
Exonum.verifyTable(proof, stateHash, fullTableName)
Verify table existence in the root tree.
Returns root hash for the table as hexadecimal String
Argument | Description | Type |
proof | The JSON presentation of the proof obtained from a full node. | Object |
stateHash | Hash of current blockchain state stored in each block. | String |
fullTableName | Name of the table, such as token.wallets . | String |
Built-in structures
The library exports Protobuf declarations from the core crate.
Consult Protobuf files included into the library for more details.
Generate key pair
const pair = Exonum.keyPair()
publicKey: "...",
secretKey: "..."
Exonum.keyPair function generates a new random Ed25519
signing key pair using the TweetNaCl cryptographic library.
Get random number
const rand = Exonum.randomUint64()
Exonum.randomUint64 function generates a new random Uint64
number of cryptographic quality
using the TweetNaCl cryptographic library.
Hexadecimal to Uint8Array
const hex = '674718178bd97d3ac5953d0d8e5649ea373c4d98b3b61befd5699800eaa8513b'
Hexadecimal to String
const hex = '674718178bd97d3ac5953d0d8e5649ea373c4d98b3b61befd5699800eaa8513b'
to Hexadecimal
const arr = new Uint8Array([103, 71, 24, 23, 139, 217, 125, 58, 197, 149, 61])
to Binary String
const arr = new Uint8Array([103, 71, 24, 23, 139, 217, 125, 58, 197, 149, 61])
Binary String to Uint8Array
const str = '0110011101000111000110000001011110001011110110010111110100111010'
Binary String to Hexadecimal
const str = '0110011101000111000110000001011110001011110110010111110100111010'
String to Uint8Array
const str = 'Hello world'
The contributing to the Exonum Client is based on the same principles and rules as
the contributing to exonum-core.
Coding standards
The coding standards are described in the .eslintrc
To help developers define and maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs
we used .editorconfig
configuration file.
Test coverage
All functions must include relevant unit tests.
This applies to both of adding new features and fixing existed bugs.
Detailed changes for each release are documented in the CHANGELOG file.
Other languages support
Light Clients for Java and Python
Exonum Client is licensed under the Apache License (Version 2.0). See LICENSE for details.