
What is this?
A framework-agnostic wrapper package that provides convenient access to the key packages of Expressive Code, an engine for presenting source code on the web.
Instead of having to install and manage multiple Expressive Code packages separately, this package includes both the core engine and all default plugins as dependencies and exports them.
Included packages:
When should I use this?
Using this package directly is only recommended for advanced use cases, e.g. to create integrations of Expressive Code into other tools and frameworks.
If you just want to render code blocks on your website, you should use one of the higher-level packages instead, e.g. astro-expressive-code
or remark-expressive-code
for code blocks in markdown / MDX documents.
npm install expressive-code
Usage example
import { ExpressiveCode, ExpressiveCodeConfig } from 'expressive-code'
import { toHtml } from 'hast-util-to-html'
const ec = new ExpressiveCode()
const baseStyles = await ec.getBaseStyles()
const { renderedGroupAst, styles } = await ec.render({
code: 'console.log("Hello world!")',
language: 'js',
meta: '',
let htmlContent = toHtml(renderedGroupAst)
const stylesToPrepend: string[] = []
if (stylesToPrepend.length) {
htmlContent = `<style>${[...stylesToPrepend].join('')}</style>${htmlContent}`
The main class of expressive-code
. It extends the ExpressiveCodeEngine
class and adds some configuration options.
In addition to the options provided by the core engine, the following options are available:
shiki: PluginShikiOptions | boolean
Configures the Shiki plugin, which adds syntax highlighting to code blocks.
This plugin is enabled by default. Set this to false
to disable it.
You can also configure the plugin by setting this to an options object.
textMarkers: boolean
The Text Markers plugin allows to highlight lines and inline ranges in code blocks in various styles (e.g. marked, inserted, deleted).
This plugin is enabled by default. Set this to false
to disable it.
frames: PluginFramesOptions | boolean
The Frames plugin adds an editor or terminal frame around code blocks, including an optional title displayed as a tab or window caption.
This plugin is enabled by default. Set this to false
to disable it.
You can also configure the plugin by setting this to an options object.