
Command line tools for Fastify.
Generate, write and run an application with one single command!
npm install fastify-cli --global
offers a single command line interface for your fastify
$ fastify
Will print an help:
fastify command line interface, available commands are:
* start start a server
* generate generate a new project
* version the current fastify-cli version
* help help about commands
Launch 'fastify help [command]' to know more about the commands.
The default command is start, you can hit
fastify start plugin.js
to start plugin.js.
You can start any fastify plugin with:
$ fastify start plugin.js
A plugin can be as simple as:
module.exports = function (fastify, options, next) {
fastify.get('/', function (req, reply) {
reply.send({ hello: 'world' })
If you are using Node 8+, you can use async
functions too:
module.exports = async function (fastify, options) {
fastify.get('/', async function (req, reply) {
return { hello: 'world' }
For a list of available flags for fastify start
see the help: fastify help start
If you want to use custom options, just export an options object with your route and run the cli command with the --options
module.exports = function (fastify, options, next) {
fastify.get('/', function (req, reply) {
reply.send({ hello: 'world' })
module.exports.options = {
https: {
key: 'key',
cert: 'cert'
You can pass the following options via cli arguments, every options has the corresponding environment variable:
Description | Short command | Full command | Environment variable |
Port to listen on (default to 3000) | -p | --port | FASTIFY_PORT |
Address to listen on | -a | --address | FASTIFY_ADDRESS |
Socket to listen on | -s | --socket | FASTIFY_SOCKET |
Log level (default to fatal) | -l | --log-level | FASTIFY_LOG_LEVEL |
Prints pretty logs | -P | --pretty-logs | FASTIFY_PRETTY_LOGS |
Use custom options | -o | --options | FASTIFY_OPTIONS |
Set the prefix | -r | --prefix | FASTIFY_PREFIX |
Defines the maximum payload, in bytes, the server is allowed to accept | | --body-limit | FASTIFY_BODY_LIMIT |
By default fastify-cli
runs dotenv
, so it will load all the env variables stored in .env
in your current working directory.
fastify version discovery
If Fastify is installed as a project dependency (with npm install --save fastify
then fastify-cli
will use that version of Fastify when running the server.
Otherwise, fastify-cli
will use the version of Fastify included within fastify-cli
can also help with generating some project scaffolding to
kickstart the development of your next Fastify application. To use it:
mkdir yourapp
cd yourapp
npm init
fastify generate
npm install
The sample code offers you four npm tasks:
npm start
- starts the applicationnpm run dev
- starts the application with
pretty logging
(not suitable for production)npm test
- runs the testsnpm run lint
- runs the linter and automatically fixes the errors
You will find three different folders:
: the folder where you will place all your custom pluginsservices
: the folder where you will declare all your endpointstest
: the folder where you will declare all your test
Finally there will be an app.js
file, which is your entry point.
It is a standard Fastify plugin and you will not need to add the listen
method to run the server, just run it with one of the scripts above.
If you feel you can help in any way, be it with examples, extra testing, or new features please open a pull request or open an issue.
The code follows the Standard code style.

The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non infringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.
Copyright © 2016-2018 Fastify Team