An open source implementation of the GeoServices specification

This is meant to be used as a plugin to Express
Example server
const express = require('express')
const app = express()
const FeatureServer = require('featureserver')
const cache = require('cache')
const handler = (req, res) => {
cache.get(, (err, data) => {
if (err) res.status(500).json({error: err.message})
else FeatureServer.route(req, res, data)
const routes = ['/FeatureServer', '/FeatureServer/layers', '/FeatureServer/:layer', '/FeatureServer/:layer/:method']
routes.forEach(route => {
Pass in an incoming request object
, an outgoing response object
and geojson
and this function will route and return a geoservices compliant response
Supports: '/FeatureServer', '/FeatureServer/layers', '/FeatureServer/:layer', '/FeatureServer/:layer/:method'
Note: only query
and info
are supported methods at this type
FeatureServer.route(req, res, data, options)
Data is a geojson object extended with some additional properties. These properties are optional and can be used to provide more specific metadata or to shortcut the built in filtering mechanism.
type: 'FeatureCollection'
features: Array,
statistics: Object,
metadata: {
name: String,
description: String,
extent: Array,
displayField: String,
idField: String,
maxRecordCount: Number,
timeInfo: Object
fields: [
name: String,
type: String,
alias: String,
filtersApplied: {
geometry: Boolean,
where: Boolean
count: Number
Pass in geojson
and a valid geoservices query object
e.g. where=OBJECTID>10
and the function will perform the query and return a valid geoservices query object
FeatureServer.query(geojson, options)
Generate version 10.21
Geoservices server info
const server = {
description: String
maxRecordCount: Number
hasStaticData: Boolean
layers: [{
type: 'FeatureCollection',
metadata: {
name: String,
description: String
extent: Array
displayField: String
idField: String
maxRecordCount: Number
timeInfo: Object
features: [
type: 'Feature',
geometry: {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [125.6, 10.1]
properties: {
name: 'Dinagat Islands'
Generate version 10.21
Geoservices information about a single layer
FeatureServer.layerInfo(geojson, options)
Generate version 10.21
Geoservices information about one or many layers
Can pass a single geojson object or an array of geojson objects
FeatureServer.layers(geojson, options)