
Create a FileCollection from various sources.
In order to make compatible code between the browser and node and to allow drag and drop of a folder it is useful to an abstraction level.
This package allows to create a FileCollection
from various sources:
- a FileList (that implements an Iterator of File).
- a relative path (with its basedir)
- a webservice that returns a JSON containing an array of object that has the following properties:
, name
, lastModified
, size
A FileCollection
has an iterator on FileCollectionItem
that has the following properties:
- lastModified: number;
- name: string;
- relativePath: string;
- size: number;
- arrayBuffer(): Promise;
- stream(): ReadableStream;
- text(): Promise;
Load and Save from remote server
// You should have a webservice that returns this kind of object
const source = {
files: [
name: '',
size: 1589,
relativePath: 'dataUnzip/',
lastModified: 1664430693588,
name: 'a.txt',
size: 1,
relativePath: 'dataUnzip/dir1/a.txt',
lastModified: 1664430693588,
baseURL: 'http://localhost/',
const fileCollection = fileCollectionFromSource(source);
npm i filelist-utils
import { fileCollectionFromPath } from 'filelist-utils';
const fileCollection = fileCollectionFromPath(__dirname);
import { fileCollectionFromZip } from 'filelist-utils';
const zip = readFileSync(join(__dirname, ''));
const fileCollection = fileCollectionFromZip(zip);