
Find object values by passing the path as string.
:cloud: Installation
$ npm i --save find-value
:clipboard: Example
const findValue = require("find-value");
const obj = {
location: {
planet: "Mars"
, town: "Somewhere"
, names: [
{ first: "Alice", age: 19 }
, { first: "Bob", age: 20 }
console.log(findValue(obj, "location.planet"));
console.log(findValue(obj, "names"));
console.log(findValue(obj, "names.0.first"));
console.log(findValue(obj, "names.1.age"));
console.log(findValue(obj, "something.that.does.not.exist"));
:memo: Documentation
findValue(obj, path)
Finds the value at given path in the specified object.
- Object
: The input object. - String
: The path to the value you want to find.
:yum: How to contribute
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:moneybag: Donations
Another way to support the development of my open-source modules is
to set up a recurring donation, via Patreon. :rocket:
PayPal donations are appreciated too! Each dollar helps.
Thanks! :heart:
:dizzy: Where is this library used?
If you are using this library in one of your projects, add it in this list. :sparkles:
—Convert arrays into objects by using unique fields.flow-api
(by jillix)—The flow api library and CLI app.lien
—Another lightweight NodeJS framework. Lien is the link between request and response
—Easily start a npm package from scratch.packy
—Set default fields in your package.json files.ship-release
—Publish new versions on GitHub and npm with ease.
:scroll: License
MIT © Ionică Bizău