:caution: v5 is a work in progress and is not yet published. :caution:
This library aims to offer a best-in-class interface for working with feature flags in TypeScript-based React applications.
npm install flag
Getting Started
works by creating bindings at runtime so that context providers, components, and hooks are all strictly typed together. createFlags
builds these bindings without requiring an data.
import { createFlags } from "flag";
export type MyFlags = {
features: {
useMyCoolNewThing: boolean;
config: {
apiUrl: string;
cool: number;
dude: number;
coolAndDude: number;
largeCoolAndDude: boolean;
export const { FlagBackendProvider, Flag, useFlag } = createFlags<MyFlags>();
React Bindings
Returned as part of createFlags<T>()
This React component provides a Backend<T>
(see below) as a data source for Flag
and useFlag
Props | Type | Required | Description |
backend | Types.Backend<T> | true | All pre-computed flags |
children | ReactNode | true | React children |
import { NullBackend } from "flag";
import { MyApplication } from "./app";
import { FlagBackendProvider } from "./flags";
const backend = new NullBackend();
const instance = (
<FlagBackendProvider backend={backend}>
<MyApplication />
React.render(instance, document.querySelector("#app"));
Returned as part of createFlags<T>()
A hook to fetch a single flag. Requires a valid key path and a default value. The key path must terminate at a string, boolean or number and the default value must be of the same type that it terminates. Forcing a default to be provided will minimize the change of a runtime error occurring.
Args | Type | Required | Description |
keyPath | Types.KeyPath<T> | Types.KeyPathString<T> | true | A valid key path of T to a string, boolean or number |
defaultValue | GetValueFromKeyPath<T, KP> | true | A fallback in case it is not available in the Backend<T> |
import { useFlag } from "./flags";
const MyComponent = () => {
const apiUrl = useFlag(["config", "apiUrl"], "https://example.com");
const apiUrl2 = useFlag("config.apiUrl", "https://example.com");
return <div>The API url is "{apiUrl}"</div>;
Returned as part of createFlags<T>()
Renders a some UI based on whether a flag is false
or not. (It's a glorified if statement 😬).
Args | Type | Required | Description |
keyPath | Types.KeyPath<T> | Types.KeyPathString<T> | true | A valid key path of T to a string, boolean or number |
defaultValue | GetValueFromKeyPath<T, KP> | true | A fallback in case it is not available in the Backend<T> |
render | (flags: T) => ReactNode | true | Function that returns a ReactNode |
fallback | () => ReactNode | false | Function that returns a ReactNode |
render={() => <div>Rendered on truthy</div>}
fallback={() => <div>Rendered on falsy</div>}
Setting NODE_ENV