FluentTypeResults is a lightweight Result Pattern Typescript library built to solve a common problem - returning an object to either indicate success or failure of an operation instead of using exceptions.
FluentTypeResults is the Typescript version of FluentResults and uses the same syntax and works great together!
Feedback and pull requests are greatly appreciated!
Key Features
- Fully works with the Result class from FluentResults
- Storing multiple errors in one Result object
- Designing Errors/Success in an object-oriented way
- Storing the root cause chain of errors in a hierarchical way
NPM Package
npm i fluent-type-results
It is assumed that the web api always returns a Result<Account>
import Axios from 'axios';
import Result from 'fluent-type-results';
import IAccount from './dto/IAccount';
export async function getUserAccount(id: number): Promise<IAccount | null> {
const { data } = await Axios.get<Result<IAccount>>(`/account/${id}`);
if (data.isFailed) {
return data.value;
Important notes
- Compared to FluentResults, a Result.Ok() function always requires a valid object to be passed with it.