
Quick start:
npm install --save fluxury
import {dispatch, createStore} from 'fluxury'
The Gist
This library forks Flux 2.0.2; enforcing the (state, action) -> state
This Flux fork focuses around 2 functions:
- dispatch(action) or dispatch(type, data)
- createStore(name, actionHandler, selectors) or createStore(name, defaultValue, actionHandler, selectors)
Of course it is compatible with React. Please see React-Fluxury for more information.
It is compatible with Redux. Please see Fluxury-Redux for integration.
API Reference
- dispatch( type, data ) or dispatch( action )
Submit an action into the stores.
import {dispatch} from 'fluxury';
// dispatch an action with a string
dispatch('REQUEST_SETTINGS') // => { type: 'LOAD_SETTINGS', data: undefined }
// or with data
dispatch('LOAD_SETTINGS', { a: 1, b: 2 }) // => { type: 'LOAD_SETTINGS', data: { a: 1, b: 2 } }
// or with a custom object
dispatch({ type: 'move', mode: 'off the rails' })
3. createStore(name, initialState, reducer, methods)
Creating a store is to Flux what creating a class is to React.
// actions
const INC = 'INC'
// fluxury magic
import {createStore} from 'fluxury';
// a simple counting store
export default createStore('CountStore', (state=0, action) => {
switch (action.type)
case INC:
return state + 1;
return state;
If you do not prefer the switch boilerplate then you may specify an object with reducers.
const INC = 'INC'
import {createStore} from 'fluxury';
export default createStore(
'Count Store',
increment: (state) => state + 1,
decrement: (state) => state - 1
In addition to the state and action the reducer function receives _waitFor_ as the third argument. The waitFor function can be used to enforce the order in store updates. See Facebook Flux documentation for more information.
Store Properties and Methods
name | comment |
name | The name supplied when creating the store |
dispatch | Another method to access the dispatch function |
dispatchToken | A number used with waitFor |
subscribe | A function to register listeners |
getState | A function that returns the current state |
replaceState | Replace the state; development only |
replaceReducer | Replace the reducer; development only |
Put it all together
var React = require('react');
var {createStore} = require('fluxury');
var countStore = createStore('CountStore', 0, {
increment: (state) => state + 1,
decrement: (state) => state - 1
var MyComponent = React.createClass({
componentDidMount: function() {
this.unsubscribe = countStore.subscribe( this.handleStoreChange );
componentWillUnmount: function() {
handleStoreChange: function() {
this.setState({ count: countStore.getState() })
handleUpClick: function() {
handleDownClick: function() {
render: function() {
return (
<button onClick={this.handleUpClick}>+1</button>
<button onClick={this.handleDownClick}>-1</button>
module.exports = MyComponent;
MapStore with defensive copies
A simple store that accumulates data on each SET
const SET = 'SET';
var {dispatch, createStore } = require('fluxury');
var mapStore = createStore('MapStore', {}, {
SET: (state, data) => Object.assign({}, state, data)
}, {
getStates: (state) => state.states,
getPrograms: (state) => state.programs,
getSelectedState: (state) => state.selectedState
dispatch(SET, { states: ['CA', 'OR', 'WA'] })
dispatch(SET, { programs: [{ name: 'A', states: ['CA']}] })
mapStore.SET({ selectedState: 'CA' })
MapStore with Immutable data structures
Here is a similar MapStore with Immutable.js.
var {dispatch, createStore } = require('fluxury');
var {Map} = require('Immutable');
var store = createStore('MapStore', Map(), {
set: (state, data) => state.merge(data)
}, {
get: (state, param) => state.get(param),
has: (state, param) => state.has(param),
includes: (state, param) => state.includes(param),
first: (state) => state.first(),
last: (state) => state.last(),
all: (state) => state.toJS(),