
A minimalistic XPath 3.1 selector engine for (XML) nodes.
Demo page
How to use
const { evaluateXPathToBoolean } = require('fontoxpath');
const documentNode = new DOMParser().parseFromString('<xml/>', 'text/xml');
console.log(evaluateXPathToBoolean('/xml => exists()', documentNode));
FontoXPath supplies a number of API functions:
- A number of
evaluateXPath(xpath: string, contextNode: Node, domFacade: DomFacade?, variables: Object={}, returnType: number) => *
evaluateXPathToNodes(xpath: string, contextNode: Node, domFacade: DomFacade?, variables: Object={}, options: {namespaceResolver: function(string):string?}) => Node[]
evaluateXPathToFirstNode(xpath: string, contextNode: Node, domFacade: DomFacade?, variables: Object={}, options: {namespaceResolver: function(string):string?}) => Node
evaluateXPathToBoolean(xpath: string, contextNode: Node, domFacade: DomFacade?, variables: Object={}, options: {namespaceResolver: function(string):string?}) => boolean
evaluateXPathToNumber(xpath: string, contextNode: Node, domFacade: DomFacade?, variables: Object={}, options: {namespaceResolver: function(string):string?}) => number
evaluateXPathToNumbers(xpath: string, contextNode: Node, domFacade: DomFacade?, variables: Object={}, options: {namespaceResolver: function(string):string?}) => number[]
evaluateXPathToString(xpath: string, contextNode: Node, domFacade: DomFacade?, variables: Object={}, options: {namespaceResolver: function(string):string?}) => string
precompileXPath(xpath: string) => Promise<string>
- A no-op on systems without indexedDB
registerCustomXPathFunction(name: string, signature: string[], returnType: string, callback: function)
- Can be used to register custom functions. They are registered globally.
Note that this engine assumes XPath 1.0 compatibility
mode turned off.
Not all XPath 3.1 functions are implemented yet. We
accept pull requests for missing features.
The following features are unavailable, but will be implemented at some point in time (and even
sooner if you can help!):
- DateTime related functions
- Collation related functions (
) - The
lookup operator for maps and arrays - XML parsing
The following features are available:
- maps / arrays
- variables using
- The
bang operator - Most built in dataTypes
For all available features, see the unit tests.
This engine is pretty DOM-agnostic, it has a good track record with the browser DOM implementations
and slimdom.js. There are a number of known issues with
xmldom because it does not follow the DOM spec on some features
including namespaces.
To recompile the parser, run the following:
npm install
npm run build [--skip_parser] [--skip_closure]
Note: Rebuilding the closure build depends on Java.
To run the tests, run
npm run test [--ci_mode] [--integration_tests]
The integration tests run all tests only using the externally public API, using the closure build.
QT3 tests
A basic test runner for the QT3 tests can be used by running npm run test --qt3 --integration_tests
. For this, a recent version of the QT3 test set should be present at