Formula expressions and functions for JavaScript.
Install with npm
npm install --save formula
yarn add formula
General Usage
import { run } from 'formula'
var { and, eq, len, gt, lt, isnumber, isText, isEmail, isEmpty, lower, proper, text, date}
= require('formula')
run("a + b", { a: 2, b: 2})
isText('this is'),
gt(2, 1),
lt(1, 2),
and(true, false, true),
eq(len('foo'), 3),
eq(lower('HAPPY'), 'happy'),
eq(proper('happy'), 'Happy'),
eq(text(4200.00, "$#,###.00"), '$4,200.00'),
eq(text(date(2000, 2, 1), "m-d-yyyy"), '2-1-2000')
Reduce bundle sizes
Require specific functions to reduce bundle size with tools like webpack.
var isNumber = require('formula/fn/isnumber')
var proper = require('formula/fn/proper')
Browser ready build
There is a browser ready build in the dist folder. You can include with a as the namespace.