A lightweight solution to use a cloud Key-Value database based on
npm install freedb --save
import Free from 'freedb';
const kv = new Free.KV({
// This is my public test account and token, only used for test and CI.
// If you want to have your own database,
// Then you need to create a repository and generate a token.
host: '',
token: 'your_github_repo_token'
kv.set('mykey', 'myvalue').then(res => {
How to generate a token
- Create or use your own account and login.
- Go to: Settings -> Developer settings -> Personal access tokens -> Generate new token
- Select scopes: "repo" to make sure you grant access.
Create a KV instance
new Free.KV(option: DataBaseOption):
DataBaseOption {
// host: github clone links, support both https/ssh links
host: string;
// token: OAuth token, make sure you have read/write access for the repo
token: string;
// db: Basiclly it's a directory, default value is "default"
db?: string;
// branch: git branch, default value is "master"
branch?: string;
// cipher: if is a string, then treat as a secret key for aes192 for both key and value. or you can customize a encryt and decrypt function
cipher?: CipherOption | string;
// debug: show action log or not.
debug?: boolean;
CipherOption {
// secret key for encrypt
secret: string;
// customize encrypt algorithm, default value is ase192 encrypt algorithm
encode: (str: string): string;
// customize decrypt algorithm, default value is ase192 decrypt algorithm
decode: (str: string): string;
KV instance methods
- use(db: string): void
Switch database. can be a non-exist database.
- keys(): Promise<KeyRecord[]>
List all keys in current database;
- exist(key: string): Promise
Check a key exist or not in current database;
- get(key: string): Promise
Get a key record in current database;
- set(key: string, value: string): Promise
Set a value for a key. Will create a key if a key do not exist;
- append(key: string): Promise
Append a value for a key. Will create a key if a key do not exist;
KeyRecord {
// Key content
content?: string;
// Key name
name?: string;
// Key content size, if the key do not exist, then size = -1
size?: number;
// Key git raw url
raw_url?: string;
// Key git html url
html_url?: string;
// Key git commit hash if there is
commit?: string;
How to protect your data
There are two way to protect your data.
- Encrypt you key and value in
new GitDB.KV({
host: '',
token: 'mytoken',
cipher: {
secret: 'my secret key',
// Default value is using ase192 encrypt algorithm
encode (str) {
return MyEncryptMethod(str);
// Default value is using ase192 decrypt algorithm
decode (str) {
return MyDecryptMethod(str);
- Make the repository private.
Simply and easy. Github support private repository