
Yeoman generator for Mendix widgets.
This generator uses the Yeoman scaffolding tool to let you quickly create a Mendix widget based on the latest AppStoreWidgetBoilerPlate.
Prerequisites (you only have to do this ONCE)
First, you need to have NodeJs installed. After that, you need to install Yeoman, Mendix Widget generator and Grunt:
npm install -g yo generator-mendix grunt-cli
Make sure you have the latest version of yo
. The version we work with currently is 1.8.3 (which you can check by running yo --version
1.) Start the generator in the folder you want to create a widget:
yo mendix
2.) The generator will ask you to provide the following information about your widget:
- name
- description
- copyright
- license
- version
- author
- Github username (optional)
3.) Your widget will be created using the options and the boilerplate.
It will clone the boilerplate, rename your widget according to the options. It also includes a Gruntfile.js
and package.json
for development purposes (see below)
The generator will include Grunt to automate your widget development. Make sure you have Grunt installed.
The following Grunt tasks can be started by typing grunt <TASKNAME>
This will try to open the Modeler using the included test-project. (Older versions of the Gruntfile will use grunt start-mendix
(this is actually an alias for default, so you can run grunt
without adding this taskname)
This watches for changes in your src
folder. When a file is changed, it copies the change to the deployment-folder (so you do not have to restart your project when changing files (with the exception of .xml
files)). It also automatically creates a .mpk
file in your /dist
and test/widgets
This will let you set the version of your widget, the package.xml
, without editing it yourself.
Grunt uses the settings in package.json to determine which folders it uses. If, for example, you use this to develop a widget in your project, you can change the folder in package.json:
"testProjectFolder": "./test/",
and then check if the path is correct by running the grunt folders
Cleans old .mpk
files and creates a new one in your /dist
and test/widgets
Lints through all CSS files that are in the widget/ui
folder and checks for errors
Using Grunt in a widget respository/project you downloaded.
If you download or clone one of our repositories that has a Gruntfile.js
and package.json
included, you need to install the dependencies first to be able to run Grunt:
- Make sure you open the root folder in your command-line/terminal window
- Run
npm install
to install the dependencies - Now you can use the Grunt tasks as described in the previous point
Grunt can be started from command-line, or used by Grunt-plugins for different IDE's:
- Gulp integration
- Add JSHint (Grunt/Gulp)
Issues can be reported on Github.