
All the power of GitHub in your terminal.

gh [command] [--flags]
npm install -g gh
In order to sucessfully run this project you must have NodeJS installed.
Available commands
gh help
Pull requests
gh pr --list
gh pr --list --all
gh pr --list --branch master
gh pr --pull 1 --fetch
gh pr --pull 1 --fetch --rebase
gh pr --pull 1 --fetch --merge
Merging or rebasing
gh pr --merge [--pull 1] [--branch master]
gh pr --rebase [--pull 1] [--branch master]
- Omitting
will try to guess the pull number from branch name e.g. pull-1
results in --pull 1
. - Omitting
will merge or rebase into config.defaultbranch
gh pr --pull 1 --message "Merged, thank you!"
gh pr --pull 1 --fwd username
Open and close
gh pr --pull 1 --open
gh pr --pull 1 --close
gh pr --submit eduardolundgren
gh nt --latest
gh nt --watch
gh nt --latest --user eduardolundgren --repo node-gh
gh is --list
gh is --list --all
gh is --list --user eduardolundgren --repo node-gh
Contribute new commands to this project by copying and editing the content of Hello World example.
- v0.1.1 May 27, 2013
- Add Help task
- Standardize logs
- Bug fixes
- v0.1.0 May 26, 2013
- Allow log handlebars template from string
- Move apply replacements logic to logger
- Use handlebars templates instead of strings
- Refactoring template integration with logger
- Rename pull request
to --message
- Add Issues task
- v0.0.7 May 24, 2013
- Add pull request forward command
- Add Travis continous integration with JSHint
- Create a new website under gh-pages branch
- Update dependency version: git-wrapper@0.1.1
- Add Hello World and Notification tasks
- v0.0.6 May 17, 2013
- Add hability to merge or rebase pull request
- Add base.getUser and git.merge helpers
- v0.0.5 May 16, 2013
- Add login to be invoked by default in series
- v0.0.4 May 16, 2013
- Create ~/.gh.json if needed
- v0.0.3 May 16, 2013
- Merge user ~/.gh.json with default .gh.json
- Add default .gh.json
- Fix bin path
- v0.0.2 May 16, 2013
- Add fetch, open/close, message
- Use moment humanize utility
- v0.0.1 May 14, 2013
BSD License