Generate a changelog based on merged pull requests or commit messages

FYI: This is under heavy development. Things may break between releases till I get to 0.1.0.
npm install -g github-changes
Usage: github-changes [options]
-o, --owner (required) owner of the Github repository
-r, --repository (required) name of the Github repository
-d, --data (DEPRECATED) use pull requests or commits (choices: pulls, commits) [commits]
-b, --branch name of the default branch [master]
-n, --tag-name tag name for upcoming release [upcoming]
-a, --auth prompt to auth with Github - use this for private repos and higher rate limits
-k, --token need to use this or --auth for private repos and higher rate limits
-f, --file name of the file to output the changelog to []
-v, --verbose output details
--issue-body (DEPRECATED) include the body of the issue (--data MUST equal 'pulls')
--no-merges do not include merges
--only-merges only include merges
--only-pulls only include pull requests
--use-commit-body use the commit body of a merge instead of the message - "Merge branch..."
--order-semver use semantic versioning for the ordering instead of the tag date
###Example usage:
Generate changelog via pull requests
github-changes -o goodybag -r mongo-sql -a --only-pulls --use-commit-body
## Change Log
### v2.3.3 (2014/02/20 00:22 +00:00)
- [#83]( Buffer not defined in browser (@jrf0110)
### v2.3.2 (2014/02/19 23:54 +00:00)
- [#82]( Preserve Buffer query values. (@alexmingoia)
### v2.3.1 (2014/02/08 23:01 +00:00)
- [#81]( Casts + JSON derefs are malformed during the automated quoting (@jrf0110)
### v2.3.0 (2014/01/29 22:16 +00:00)
- [#25]( Querying on JSON (@jrf0110)
### v2.2.14 (2014/01/27 22:35 +00:00)
- [#78]( adding npm info (@lalitkapoor)
- [#80]( $nin does not support Array (@jrf0110)
### v2.2.13 (2014/01/13 17:40 +00:00)
- [#77]( Expose `quoteColumn` on root namespace (@prestonp)
### v2.2.12 (2013/11/26 20:57 +00:00)
- [#76]( Dates not handled correctly in update where clause (@jrf0110)
### v2.2.11 (2013/11/15 15:46 +00:00)
- [#74]( Drop constraint action needs options (@jrf0110)
### v2.2.10 (2013/11/15 06:03 +00:00)
- [#73]( Action helper should accept an array of actions (@jrf0110)
### v2.2.9 (2013/11/12 05:05 +00:00)
- [#70]( Window functions (@ProCynic)
Generate changelog via commit messages
github-changes -o npm -r npm -a
## Change Log
### upcoming (2014/02/23 10:02 +00:00)
- [70fd532]( fix prune.js test with empty cache (@robertkowalski)
- [6fd6ff7]( Sort dependencies when --save'ing. (@domenic)
- [2ddd060]( add test, some boyscouting (@robertkowalski)
- [17f07df]( Add --save-exact config for --save[-dev|-optional]. (@timoxley)
- [4b51920]( Prevent creation of node_modules/npm-4503-c (@timoxley)
- [30b6783]( doc: update misc/ (@isaacs)
### v1.4.4 (2014/02/20 16:04 +00:00)
- [05d2490]( uid-number@0.0.4 (@isaacs)
- [3850441]( Document the --tag option of npm-publish (@kriskowal)
- [14e650b]( alias 't' to 'test' (@isaacs)
- [d50b826]( uid-number@0.0.5 (@isaacs)
- [cd7e4a2]( v1.4.4 (@isaacs)
### v1.4.3 (2014/02/17 04:37 +00:00)
- [3ce6905]( view: remove arbitrary cache limit (@isaacs)
- [bb6fb4d]( read-installed@1.0.0 (@isaacs)
- [caa7065]( new tests for read-installed (@isaacs)
- [401a642]( link: do not allow linking unnamed packages (@isaacs)
- [09223de]( Forbid deleting important npm dirs (@isaacs)
- [86028e9]( dedupe: respect dependency versions (@rafeca)
- [02d4322]( Follow redirects on curl|sh installer script (@isaacs)
- [8a26f6f]( Test for repo command (@isaacs)
- [acc4d02]( prune: Added back --production support (@davglass)
- [0a3151c]( default to ^ instead of ~ (@mikolalysenko)
- [9ae71de]( npm-registry-client@0.4.4 (@isaacs)
- [46d8768]( "install ./pkg@1.2.3" should install local module (@rlidwka)
- [f469847]( test: express is not in mocks, use underscore instead (@isaacs)