
This plugin enables you to integrate the generation of comments based documentation into your Grunt build.
NPM package name change
To comply with convention, the package's name was changed from grunt-contrib-jsdoc
to grunt-jsdoc
. You'll have to upgrade your package.json
if you're still using grunt-contrib-jsdoc
You need grunt >= 0.4 as well as node and npm installed and running on your system.
Install this grunt plugin next to your project's Gruntfile.js with:
npm install grunt-jsdoc --save-dev
Upstream issues
For documentation related issues, please ask the jsdoc3 people. To be sure the issue comes from the Grunt plugin, you can check by running directly jsdoc3 command. Run the task with the --debug
flag and the command to run is outputed.
Configure the plugin to your project's Gruntfile.js.
First, add the jsdoc
entry to the options of the initConfig
method :
jsdoc : {
dist : {
src: ['src/*.js', 'test/*.js'],
options: {
destination: 'doc'
The supported options are
: an array of pattern that matches the files to extract the documentation from. You can also add the pattern to a file to include it in your doc as described there.dest
: (alias to options.destination
) set up the destination folder, the grunt wayjsdoc
: (optional) the path to the jsdoc bin (needed only for some border line cases)options
: options used by jsdoc
: the folder where the doc is generated- ... all jsdoc options are available (see usejsdocCli documentation).
: (optional) do not show jsdoc warnings
Then, load the plugin
Code Documentation
The current version supports only jsdoc3 documentation style. The sources configured
must contains valid jsdoc3 tags. Consult the usejsdoc website for the details.
The plugin includes docstrap, as well as the default template provided by jsdoc3. To use docstrap, you can use the following configuration:
jsdoc : {
dist : {
src: ['src/**/*.js', ''],
options: {
destination: 'doc',
template : "node_modules/grunt-jsdoc/node_modules/ink-docstrap/template",
configure : "node_modules/grunt-jsdoc/node_modules/ink-docstrap/template/jsdoc.conf.json"
To generate the documentation, you need to call the jsdoc
task :
$> grunt jsdoc
or integrate it to your build sequence :
grunt.registerTask('default', ['lint', 'test', 'jsdoc']);
Any contribution is welcome! Please check the issues. Do some unit/integration tests as far as possible.
Release History
- 0.6.0 jsdoc 3.0.0
- 0.6.4 first stable using jsdoc 3.3.0
- 0.6.5 code refactoring, docstrap 0.5.3, PR #120, better path management
- 0.6.6 fix failing test
- 0.6.7 Fix bug #136 and add more tests
- 0.6.8 Fix bug #140, #143,
- 0.6.9 Fix bug #144
- 0.6.10 Revert wrong moving away docstrap dep
- 0.5.0 Move to NPM dependencies instead of git, jsdoc 3.2.2 (Fix #65)
- 0.5.1 Update repo name to prevent confusion with previous version
- 0.5.2 Upgrade to Grunt 0.4.3 (PR #74)
- 0.5.3 Fix peer deps issue
- 0.5.4 Fix peer deps issue
- 0.5.5 Update docstrap version
- 0.5.6 Fix dependencies version and bug #87
- 0.5.7 Update readme, docstrap version
- 0.5.8 Fix bug #116
- 0.4.0 Update to jsdoc 3.2.0 stable, Fix #37, add integration tests
- 0.4.1 Fix #53 and #54
- 0.4.2 Fix #57
- 0.4.3 Grunt 0.4.2 compliance, upgrade to jsdoc 3.2.2 and undeprecate the
option (#60, #63 and #66)
- 0.3.0 Partial rewrite, Fix #29 and minor typos fixs
- 0.2.0 Migrate to grunt 0.4
- 0.2.1 Fix #10
- 0.2.2 Fix #11
- 0.2.3 Fix #14 and #15
- 0.2.4 Fix Jsdoc 3 dependency to 3.1.1 tag, enables jsdoc options #19, enable to add jsdoc path #13 and add peerDependencies
- 0.1.0 First release, includes basic support of jsdoc3
- 0.1.1 Fix #2
- 0.1.2 Fix #4
- 0.1.3 Fix #7, Add feature #8
- 0.1.4 Use
instead of exec
to run the command
Copyright (c) 2012 Bertrand Chevrier
Licensed under the MIT license.