Compiles YAML to JSON.
Getting Started
If you haven't used grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide.
From the same directory as your project's Gruntfile and package.json, install this plugin with the following command:
npm install grunt-yaml --save-dev
Once that's done, add this line to your project's Gruntfile:
If the plugin has been installed correctly, running grunt --help
at the command line should list the newly-installed plugin's task or tasks. In addition, the plugin should be listed in package.json as a devDependency
, which ensures that it will be installed whenever the npm install
command is run.
The "yaml" task
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named yaml
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
yaml: {
your_target: {
options: {
ignored: /^_/,
space: 4,
customTypes: {
'!include scalar': function(value, yamlLoader) {
var data =, 'utf-8');
return yamlLoader(data);
'!max sequence': function(values) {
return Math.max.apply(null, values);
'!extend mapping': function(value, yamlLoader) {
var baseData =, 'utf-8');
return _.extend(yamlLoader(baseData), value.partial);
files: [
{expand: true, cwd: 'yaml_directory/', src: ['**/*.yml'], dest: 'output_directory/'}
In a situation where you do not want to output a file, but want to manipulate the data on your own, you can provide a middleware function and disable the destination write process:
yaml: {
your_target: {
options: {
disableDest: true,
middleware: function(response, json, src, dest){
space: 4
files: {
'config.json': ['config.yml']
Type: RegExp
or String
Default value: null
A value that specifies file pattern not to compile.
Type: Number
Default value: 2
A value that is given to JSON.stringify
for pretty-printing.
Type: Object
Default value: {}
A Object that defines custom types to js-yaml. A Object key is a tag
and loadKind
pair which is separated with a white space (e.g. !include scalar
or !max sequence
, !extend mapping
). A Object value is a wrapper of loadResolver function which take value
and yamlLoader
See also js-yaml document.
Type: Function
Default value: function(response, json, src, dest) {}
A function which provides you an interface to manipulate the YAML before it becomes JSON, or manipulate the JSON after being stringified.
Type: Boolean
Default value: false
A boolean flag which will prevent grunt-yaml from creating an output file if you would like to just work with the middleware function.
Usage Examples
See my repository.
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.
Release History
- 2014-01-18 v0.3.1 Use grunt.warn on js-yaml error.
- 2014-01-17 v0.3.0 Introduce
option for js-yaml v0.3.X. (Remove constructors
option) - 2014-01-17 v0.2.2 Add src and dest path to middleware.
- 2013-06-26 v0.2.1 Add
and disableDest
options. - 2013-05-10 v0.2.0 Use
format. - 2013-04-14 v0.1.2 Support for grunt 0.4.0.
- 2013-02-09 v0.1.1 Support for grunt 0.4.0rc7.
- 2012-12-22 v0.1.0 First release.
Copyright (c) 2012 Shogo Iwano
Licensed under the MIT license.