A Gulp plugin for Rollup ES6 Bundler. This plugin unlike gulp-rollup integrates Rollup deeper into Gulps pipeline chain by taking some of the Rollup API out of your hands in exchange of giving you the full power over the pipeline (to use any gulp plugins).
npm install gulp-better-rollup --save-dev
var gulp = require('gulp')
var rename = require('gulp-rename')
var rollup = require('gulp-better-rollup')
var babel = require('rollup-plugin-babel')
gulp.task('lib-build', () => {
plugins: [babel()]
}, {
format: 'cjs',
or simply
gulp.task('lib-build', () => {
.pipe(rollup({plugins: [babel()]}, 'umd'))
Usage & Options
rollup([rollupOptions,] generateOptions)
This plugin is based on the standard Rollup options, with following caveats
First argument is object of options found you would specify as rollup.rollup(options)
in Rollup API
should not be used if source is single file as the entry file is provided by gulp.
.pipe(rollup({...}, 'umd'))
But it could be used with for example gulp-watch.
entry: 'src/app.js'
}, 'umd'))
is enabled by default and taken care of by the plugin because usage in cojunction with watchers like gulp-watch is expected. It can be however disabled by settings cache
to false
Second argument is object of options describing output format of the bundle. It's the same thing you would specify as bundle.generate(options)
in Rollup API or as a single item of targets
in rollup.config.js
(and moduleId
) is by default assigned by filename but can be explicitly specified
Caveat: Exporting to UMD or IIFE format requires to specify moduleName
. This plugin takes care of autoassigning it based on filename. But if your main file is named index.js
or main.js
then your module will be also named index
or main
are discouraged to use in favor of gulps standard plugins like gulp-header and gulp-footer
option is omitted. Use the standard gulp-sourcemaps plugin instead.
is unvailable as well.
If you don't need to define plugins
like babel, use external
modules, explicitly specify entry
file, or any other options of rollupOptions
object, you can just skip this first argument alltogether. Also generateOptions
can be replaced be string of module format if you only export in a single format.
Both rollupOptions
and generateOptions
can be also specified as a single object if you preffer simplicity over semantically relying on the Rollup JS API. This could also come in handy as setting defaults for generateOptions
when you export multiple formats and you don't want to copy-paste the same exports
and blobal
gulp.task('dev', function() {
exporting multiple bundles
Array of generateOptions
can be provided to export into multiple formats.
var pkg = require('./package.json')
gulp.task('build', function() {
.pipe(rollup(rollupOptions, [{
dest: pkg['jsnext:main'],
format: 'es',
}, {
dest: pkg['main'],
format: 'umd',
Caveat 1: dest
can take path instead of just a file name, but the file won't be saved there. Exporting files from gulp always relies on the .pipe(gulp.dest(...))
and not the plugin itself.
Caveat 2: gulp-sourcemaps
plugin doesn't (yet) support the .mjs
extension you might want to use to export ES format into. Specifically it can inline the sourcemap into the bundle file (using sourcemaps.write()
), and it can also create external sourcemap file with sourcemaps.write(PATH_TO_SOURCEMAP_FOLDER)
, it just won't insert the //# sourceMappingURL=
linking comment at the end of your .mjs
file, effectivelly rendering the sourcemap useless.